Page 86 of On the Mountain

“Thank God. I was so worried I would be too late.”

He ran a weary hand through his tousled hair. “It’s not over yet. Her breathing is still quite shallow.”

Kathleen gave him a sad anguished look and reached out to touch his arm. “I’m here now. I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

“Thanks Kathleen.” He offered her a weak smile. “She would like that.”

“Why don’t you try and get some sleep. You look exhausted.”

Giving his beard a rub he nodded, then headed back to the guest bedroom, however doubted sleep would come any easier. The day brought more individuals to the homestead than he had seen at one time since the Christmas party. Elizabeth had come from town once she heard of the horrible events and offered to nurse Anna. Between the two ladies, they took turns nursing the injured woman. Elizabeth also made herself useful in the kitchen and ensured everyone had a nutritious meal in their stomachs. At breakfast and lunch, she heated up a broth for Kathleen to spoon feed Anna.

Joe and the rest of the ranch hands had wandered up to the house several times during the day, inquiring as to Anna’s well-being. Surprisingly, Wade had not expected such a reaction from his men. He had always known they were a decent lot and would have treated Anna’s female state as any other woman, with respect and courtesy. But they seemed generally concerned. In particular Joe, who like Wade, had taken to the boy in a fatherly manner.

The doctor had also made a return trip and was relieved to see she had made it through the night. According to him, she had mastered the first hurdle, all they could do now was wait for her to awaken.

Late afternoon, the RCMP officer made an unexpected stop at the ranch to inform Wade the constable had gone missing. He had packed his things and vanished at which point he was now considered a wanted man. Not officially charged with anything other than suspicion of involvement in a criminal act. Admittedly, it didn’t surprise Wade. Something about the lawman had not added up.

By the time the sun set and evening rolled in, Anna had still not woken. He could see in his sister’s eyes her concern, and tried not to let his own get the best of him.

“It’s been twenty-four hours,” she told him as she put an untouched bowl of broth on the kitchen counter. “Shouldn’t there be some sign of movement?”

Wade placed his dinner plate in the sink. That very same worry had crossed his mind several times that day as he waited for her to wake. But for his sister, he put up a brave front. “Dr. Patterson said in addition to losing a lot of blood, she has a fractured jaw. Perhaps it has something to do with her delayed recovery.”

“How long does he think she’ll be unconscious?”

“Hard to say. Depends on her own ability to pull herself out of this.”

Kathleen’s eyes looked so sad and Wade wanted to reach out and comfort, but he feared his own ability to remain composed. Movement from the back staircase had them both turning to look. Prescott and Elizabeth descended from the top floor where they had been visiting Anna for the past hour and a half.

“How is she?” It was the first question out of Kathleen’s mouth whenever someone emerged from Anna’s room. He knew that she continued to wait anxiously for Anna to awake. Only then would she be out of the woods.

“The same,” Prescott stated matter-of-fact, and Wade turned aside so as not to allow his siblings see the grim look on his face.

“We thought perhaps if she heard some familiar voices, it would help give her the strength she needed,” Elizabeth said.

Kathleen nodded and put the kettle on for coffee. “After everything she’s been through, I can only imagine how difficult it is for her. With her family gone, we are all she has left.”

“Wade,” Prescott said and had him raising his eyes to look over at his younger brother. “She needs all of us.”

His mouth set in a firm line. He had refused to visit her room all day. There were people around who could help her so much more than he could. She didn’t need him. He had thought she did. Hell, he had promised to do just that and she believed him as evidenced when she called out his name in her hour of need. She had trusted him. However, he had failed.

Kathleen was studying his face closely and sighed. “We understand you’re hurting, Wade, but Anna needs you. Probably more than anyone.”

He didn’t want to hear anymore. Turning abruptly from Kathleen he headed for the staircase with the parting words, “I’m sorry, but I can’t help Anna.”

“Wade, please, stop,” Kathleen tried to call him back.

“Look, I’m tired and heading to bed.” He stopped on the bottom step to add, “Wake me if there is any change.”

He went upstairs and paused only momentarily outside her bedroom door, before shaking his head in self-disgust and entered the guest bedroom. Stripping off his clothing down to his undergarments, he tossed back the blanket on the bed and crawled underneath. He wasn’t lying when he claimed exhaustion. Without sleep the night before he thought all he would have to do was close his eyes and he would be gone instantly. However, the only thing that happened was he was haunted with images of a blood splattered Anna lying motionless in the tall grass.

After several hours, he eventually gave up trying to sleep and left his room. The house was quiet, indicating that everyone had retired for the night. He lit a lamp and headed down the grand staircase to the reading room. Perhaps reading would get his mind off Anna. As he entered the room, the bright moon outside lit the room more effectively than his lamp. He wandered over to the titles that were his usual choice and came across one of the books he had read to Anna last winter. Unconsciously, he reached out and stroked the spine.

It had been such a lovely period. None of the ranch hands had returned that winter, leaving only Wade, Prescott and Anna. With Prescott spending most of his free time in Lantern with Elizabeth, Wade and Anna were given the greater part of winter to themselves. He smiled as he looked at the book. They had spent the time reading. Actually, he had read and she had listened. It was such a calming experience. Never before had he ever met anyone whose presence brought such a soothing calm into a room.

He found a book he hadn’t read in years, then hesitated before sitting down in one of the large red velvet chairs. The chair opposite remained empty. He frowned and tried not to let the hint of fear creep up his spine. Turning he left the room and headed back up the main staircase. On the top landing instead of turning toward the guest bedroom, he went down the hall to his own room. He listened to the silence on the opposite side for several seconds before he quietly turned the knob and went inside.

She lay in the same position as he had last seen her, however, he noticed