Page 55 of On the Mountain

“Of course not,” Wade mumbled knowing she’d only thwart any he offered. The door to the kitchen opened and the subject of their conversation came in to remove their dirty dishes. “Anna, be ready to go into town in an hour’s time.”

She looked surprised and he turned his attention away from her.

“I have a list of supplies I need picked up in Lantern. If you could give Wade a hand?” Kathleen explained and Anna nodded vaguely before slipping out of the room. He had a feeling she was not looking forward to the trip either.

Wade finished his meal, then took his coffee into the great room and sat next to the huge fireplace. Looking around, he hardly recognized the place, it was already beginning to look entirely different. The crew Kathleen hired to come in and set up the house for the Christmas ball had basically removed every stick of furniture in the room and replaced it with tables and chairs that looked like they belonged in a church’s community center rather than his living room.

Less than an hour later, he was outside hitching Sty to a wagon when Anna came running toward him. A look of slight panic creased the otherwise flawless skin above her brows, causing him to wonder if she feared his anger if she were late. Sighing heavily at this thought, he reached in the back of the utility box and produced a blanket for the long drive. Anna had come around and perched herself on the back of the wagon. He frowned and felt slightly irritated. She may still want to disguise herself as a boy, but he knew differently.

“Sit up front.”

She looked surprised and hesitated before climbing back down and heading for the front of the wagon. Wade waited for her and with a hoist lifted her up onto the two seated bench. He went around the horse and climbed up alongside her then draped the warm wool blanket over them both. With a click of his tongue he drove the horse off the homestead and toward the path that led to town.

* * *

The ride was not long into Lantern. Just over an hour later, Wade pulled Sty and the wagon into the livery then climbed down and headed around to Anna’s side. She didn’t wait for him and quickly jumped to the ground.

“Prescott says that Elizabeth has asked about your health,” he stated. “It would probably be courteous of you to go over and say hello. I’ve got some business to do in the bank and then plan on getting a shampoo and cut.”

Her eyes didn’t stray from his face while he talked.

“Do you have Kathleen’s list?”

She nodded.

“Good, I’ll meet you at the mercantile in about forty-five minutes and help you pick out the items.” He walked off toward a building nearest to them while Anna tur

ned toward the restaurant.

Elizabeth had been kind and she did look forward to seeing her again. The woman’s plain but friendly face looked up from a table she was serving, upon Anna’s entrance. She smiled fondly and came over to take her arms in her hands.

“How good to see you, Peter. I’ve hoped you’ve been well.”

Anna nodded and looked around the establishment. There were several full tables and she felt suddenly like an intruder and a nuisance. However, Elizabeth drew her over to an empty table and sat her down.

“I’ll get you a plate of food and a cup of coffee. Your cheeks are cherry red from that long drive.”

Instinctively, Anna raised her hand to touch her cheek, however since she was still wearing her leather gloves, felt nothing.

“Take off your coat and stay awhile.” She glanced toward the entrance of the restaurant. “Did you come with Wade or Prescott?”

Elizabeth glanced back at her silence and gave her an apologetic smile.


Anna nodded.

“Is he planning on returning shortly?”

Anna shook her head.

The woman gave her a knowing smile and hurried off to fetch Anna’s food. She returned presently with two mugs of warm coffee. Taking the seat opposite her, Elizabeth told her that she had worried about her since her last visit. She had asked Prescott many times how the ranch boy was doing and how she hoped he would make a return visit, but this time in better health. She then inquired as to how she found the Haddock’s sister on which Anna nodded her head and smiled.

As usual, Elizabeth’s cooking was delicious. She served her mouth-watering fried chicken and sliced potatoes, and before Anna knew it, it was time she headed over to the mercantile. The woman was such nice company, she almost hated to leave.

“I’ve been invited to Kathleen’s Christmas ball, so I’m sure I’ll see you there tomorrow.”

Anna felt her smile waver. She would be a servant at the event, not a guest. It would be considered inappropriate for her to talk to the guests. Exchanging their farewells on the boardwalk outside Elizabeth’s restaurant, she turned and headed for the store.