Page 56 of On the Mountain

Across the road, she noticed the constable as he walked leisurely along the opposite boardwalk watching her closely. His steely gaze not wavering in the least. She found herself hurrying faster and nearly knocked over an older lady exiting the mercantile.

The woman mumbled something about careless teenage boys, but Anna ignored her and headed straight for Wade who was already in the shop. He looked up from the item he was pursuing, then down into her face.

“You all right?”

She nodded, but stayed close to him nevertheless.

Wade had other ideas. “Where’s the list? If I read it to you, do you think you can remember?”

She gave a short nod.

“Perfect. Take your time.” He paused to study her briefly before quickly looking away. “I’m going to head over to the saloon.”

The mention of the saloon left her gut feeling raw, however, it was the unexpected and overwhelming need to stay near him that took precedence. Alarm lit her eyes and she tried desperately to calm herself, realizing how ridiculous this unwarranted anxiety was. She ran a shaky hand along the back of her neck. Wade frowned.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

She drew in her bottom lip and suddenly felt very nervous. Lord, she had to get control of herself.

“Right then.” He stepped away from her and left the shop.

Anna tried to remain put as long as she could, but this sudden panic attack was having the best of her. She turned and quickly left the shop. Outside on the boardwalk, she saw Wade heading back up town toward the saloon. Her mind raced trying desperately to think of a reason to call him back. The practical portion of her brain told her how foolish she was behaving and to go back inside the store, but it was the other half that was watching as his form grew further and further away. Without hesitation, she ran after him.

Wade spun around, startled at her unexpected appearance. “What is it Anna?”

As soon as her name slipped past his tongue, he realized his mistake and quickly looked around to make sure no one overheard. “What are you doing?”

She had no words to offer.

His eyes bore into her face, making her feel even more foolish. Cursing, he snatched her arm in a tight grip and marched her up toward the saloon. “This is your own bloody fault.”

Inside, he deposited her on a stool before taking the one next to hers. “If Kathleen got wind I took you to a saloon, I’d never hear the end of it. Not a bloody word of this to her, understood?”

She nodded and he studied her with angry eyes before running a frustrated hand through his hair. “Two bourbons, Vern.”

Anna shuffled in her stool uncomfortably, shaking her head. She didn’t care for the drink and certainly didn’t want it.

“Don’t worry.” He seemed to read her mind. “They’re for me. Wouldn’t do to bring you back drunk.”

He nodded at the bartender who placed the two glasses in front of him. In one swift gulp, he polished off the first glass, smacked his lips, and then downed the second one. “Listen, kid, I don’t want any repeats of last time. Keep your scrawny ass planted on that there stool until I return. And just to be sure, I’ll be locking the door.”

Anna looked up the flight of stairs and knew exactly what Wade was referring to, and she felt an anger heat the pit of her stomach.

He heaved a large sigh and pushed himself off his stool. “Don’t go all righteous on me now, after all, I was to have you wait at the mercantile.”

Her eyes flashed angrily at him before she could stop herself. Thankfully, however, his attention was not on her, but the second floor instead.

“Stay put, kid.”

Anna was fuming. She had an overwhelming urge to hit him, to lash out and hurt him as he was hurting her. Turning away from his departing figure, she bit her bottom lip hard and fought the urge to cry. She would not let his lewd act bring her to tears. Squeezing her lids shut, she attempted to erase the image that came to mind. Hard as she tried she could not forget that horrific scene she had barged into when they were last at the saloon.

Distant voices drifted over to her still form and an unexpected dark chill ran down her spine. Her eyes flew open and she spun around on the stool. There were a few patrons in the back of the bar, but it was far too dim to see any faces. A door that served as a back entrance opened and a man wearing a leather coat with fur trim and white cowboy hat stepped inside the dimly lit room. However, Anna didn’t need any light to recognize the constable.

* * *

Wade moaned with pleasure. This was going to be good. He plunged his hands into Marion’s voluptuous red hair as she slowly make her way down his chest. His body stirred as he felt her long painted nails run across the front of his shirt and slip inside to his bare skin. Hell, he was eager today. He grasped the back of her head and drew her closer. She chuckled into his shirt.

“Slow down, lover, you don’t pay me for a quickie.”