Page 35 of On the Mountain

Anna didn’t want to hear this. She began to walk away.

“Wait.” Wade stopped her again, but this time came to stand in front of her.

Her eyes automatically dropped to the earth.

“Look, maybe something happened in your room or you witnessed something you thought you would only see after your wedding night. Hell, for all I know, maybe you got a little turned on from what you saw in my room. After all, Marion is a very—”

Anna saw red, the blood in her veins surged to a boiling point. Without thinking, she lifted her chin and spat in Wade’s face, then turned on her heel and marched off toward the bunkhouse.

She heard him swear before he seized her arm and spun her around. “If you ever do that again, I swear I won’t hesitate to put you over my knee and treat you like the kid you are.”

Her anger was still there, but upon seeing his restrained temper, fear also made an appearance.

“Christ, kid, I came down here to apologize for whatever the hell I did to upset you.” He placed angry hands on his hips. “But since I don’t usually do this, I probably made a hell of a mess. I don’t know what I did to offend you so much but I’m willing to apologize for it.”

Her anger began to cool.

Wade appeared to have gotten his temper under control as well. “Look, I know you’re upset and it’s directed toward me. Possibly I’ve done something to hurt you, but since you have no way of telling me, all I can do is offer my apology.”

He paused and a calm silence fell between them. Looking away, he quietly said, “I’ve missed you kid. I kinda like having you around.”

Anna’s heart completely opened and in that split second, she knew she trusted Wade above all else. That was the reason she had been so angry and hurt. Ever since the incident in the mountain, he was the only person who made her feel safe from a past she could not recall. She came to trust no other as she had him. However, that trust was severely shaken, and Anna feared, shattered forever.

But looking up into his face, and seeing such sincere emotion emitting from his ocean blue eyes for the first time, she knew he would never intentionally hurt her. It was time to tell him the truth of her identity. Her heart swelled and her chest released a huge sigh. She reached out to touch him

The sound of horse hoofs pounding on the road leading up to the homestead, caught Wade’s attention. He turned to look and Anna dropped her hand in midair before ever having made contact. Reluctantly, she glanced over to what had distracted him, and saw a stagecoach pull up in front of the home.

“Kathleen.” Wade quietly stated before looking back at her. “Look, kid, think about what I said. All right?”

Anna nodded vaguely and watched as Wade headed off toward the house and a realization came over her that both filled her with joy and fear at the same time. She loved Wade Haddock. Even with a battered and damaged heart upon

all repair. She was a woman of secrets and a heinous past. From a world as separate as the mountain between them. With a dispirited sigh, Anna knew she was more than unworthy of his love. Wade was worth so much more.

* * *

Wade was surprised to see the stagecoach. Kathleen had sent a message informing them she wouldn’t be for a visit until Christmas. He hoped all was well with her family.

The stagecoach came to a stop at the foot of the steps leading up to the house and one of its doors swung open. A colorful burst of petals shaped in the form of a woman’s skirt exploded from the interior followed by an elaborate feathered hat. The owner of the outfit lifted her face and upon seeing Wade broke out into a full smile, disbursing immediately Wade’s worries.

“Wade, darling,” Kathleen held out her arms and came running toward her brother. Though he knew Kathleen was fully aware of his feelings regarding physical affection, he allowed her to fling herself into his arms. “My last visit feels far too long, that’s why I couldn’t stay away.”

He smiled and drew her arms down from around his neck, but took hold of one elbow so as not to insult his sister. With the other hand he gathered her bag from the coach driver. “Just as long as you feel better.”

“Yes, of course.” She hurriedly assured him. “Thank goodness, my influenza was not nearly as severe as poor John Junior. He suffered for weeks before it finally released him. I feared Danielle would become ill as well, but she is terribly tough just like her uncle.”

“I’m sorry to hear about the boy, but glad to see you in fine health.” He turned them toward the house. “Prescott will be happy to see you, but unfortunately he is in Lantern visiting. We had no word to expect you.”

“No, I decided last minute I couldn’t bear to wait a whole month before seeing my beloved brothers.” She beamed up at him from her small frame and squeezed his arm. “I do hope it is Elizabeth Prescott is visiting?”

Wade smiled and gave a nod. “They seem very happy together.”

“How wonderful,” Kathleen cooed. “Perhaps there will be a wedding soon. I would so enjoy planning such an occasion. And since you are taking so long in selecting a wife, I fear I may be planning Danielle’s wedding long before yours.”

Wade hated this line of conversation. Kathleen, on the other hand, loved to discuss it wholeheartedly. “More than likely.”

“Wade,” Kathleen scolded and gave his shoulder a delicate slap. “That is nonsense. What if Josephine had only heard?”

Wade opened the door to the house allowing his sister to proceed and thought if only good fortune were on his side. Josephine was a young socialite from the town of Chapman fifty miles to the south of the ranch. She was also a close friend of Kathleen’s as well as her attempt at matchmaking on Wade’s behalf. It seemed for years now she visited the ranch during special occasions or planned parties at the request of his sister, but inevitably was made to appear more like Wade’s guest. Since it made his sister happy, he didn’t argue or complain. After all, the small periods in which he was forced to endure Josephine’s company were minimal.