Page 36 of On the Mountain

“I do hope it snows soon.” She dropped his arm and headed for the hearth. “The valley is so beautiful in the winter.”

Wade nodded. Now that he and his ranch hands had secured all the cattle back to their winter holding pens, he could breathe easier and enjoy the cold weather when it arrived.

“I thought I would get started on plans for a Christmas party. I want this year to be spectacular.” She started to remove her overcoat and Wade went to immediately help. “I thought perhaps we could add garlands of pine across every entryway and adorn them with wild mistletoe. John has a contact in the city who can have a fresh batch shipped to us directly from Europe.”

“Are they not poisonous?”

Kathleen cocked her head and gave her brother a look from under her brow. “You’re not supposed to eat them. They’re for kissing.”

Wade frowned as he hung his sister’s coat. “Wouldn’t the poison be detrimental to your lips?”

“Oh Wade.” Kathleen put her hands on her hips. “You are beginning to sound more uncultured every time I visit. You really ought to think about visiting me and John in New Westminster. Why don’t you come with Prescott in the spring when he is planning to visit?”

Wade had visited the city in which his sister lived many years before when she was first a new bride. He didn’t like the experience and vowed never to return. Kathleen knew how he felt but never stopped trying to convince him to return. “I’d rather kiss the mistletoe.”

“You don’t kiss the mistletoe, silly. You stand under a sprig of them with a member of the opposite sex and steal a kiss.”

“Why do I feel you’ve got someone in mind?”

“Why, big brother, you are suspicious. That female could be anyone. Including myself.”

“Then I look forward to being caught under the mistletoe.” He headed for the grand staircase and Kathleen’s room on the upper floor.

She followed close behind. “I was thinking of inviting about thirty guests this year and hold a ball similar to those in England. We could hire a band and have dancing. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”

Wade didn’t think so, but knew how much his sister and brother enjoyed their parties. Even though Wade was now the sole proprietor of the Circle H, he never felt or would ever feel he was the sole owner. The ranch would always be home to Kathleen and Prescott. They were welcome to entertain as they saw fit.

“Exactly where?” He eyed the great room over the rail before disappearing down a long corridor.

“There is plenty of room.” Inside her room, she gestured toward a small table for him to lay her case. It was a piece purchased in England while she lived abroad. “All we will need to do is move some of the furniture to the side.”

“Where are we supposed to sit, then?”

“I can rent chairs in Victoria and have them delivered.” It was apparent she had thought of everything, including the hired help. “You know I do love Kim, but for this occasion I believe a certified chef would be more appropriate.”

“They come certified?”

“Kim will act as consulting chef.”

“I believe you made that one up, dear sister.”

She grinned and came over to him to place her hands on his. “I do not wish to insult Kim. I know he is your faithful cook, but for ranch hands not socialites.”

“I’m sure he won’t be insulted.” He assured her and patted her hands before removing them.

“Good.” She smiled again and returned to unpacking her bag. “I’ve already written up an advertisement for a footman and waiter, so if you could run it into town within the next few weeks, I would appreciate that.”

“There is no need to hire a footman, the boy can do the job.”

Kathleen looked up. “What boy?”

Wade remembered that she knew nothing of the boy and wondered how much he should tell her. He decided on the basics, and purposely omitted the incident in the mountain.

When he was done his sister’s eyes filled with the compassion she was adored for and shook her head. “He doesn’t speak at all?”

“Not a word.”

“How dreadful.” He could see Kathleen’s mind rolling and knew if he didn’t watch her, the boy would become a charity case for his sister.