“Evelina, you don’t give yourself enough credit. That boy loves you.”

“He may have convinced himself of that, but he doesn’t know.”

“Doesn’t know what?”

“You know what I mean.”

He sighed. “If he truly loves you, then that won’t make any difference.”

She laughed coldly. “Is that why you refused to tell him as well? Why all these years you’ve tried to hide the truth from potential suitors?”

A wrinkle formed above the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t want anyone’s opinion of you tainted by—”

“But they would eventually find out. And so will Ryan. I can’t keep hiding it from him.”

“But by now he has come to care for you dearly. He is a good man with a good soul. It won’t matter to him.”

“That’s easy for you to say.” She frowned. “I don’t entirely trust his feelings.”

“Why ever not? That boy has done nothing but shown you how much he cares. My God, he nearly died and as soon as he could he came directly back to you.”

“How can you not be sure he didn’t come back for the Lady Evelina?” Though she said it, Evelina was no longer fully convinced Ryan’s motives were solely selfish. She felt the earnest in his voice and the truth in his words.

“He didn’t come back for the boat.”

She sighed. “You don’t know that for certain.”

“Yes, I do.” He stated firmly. “I gave Ryan the Lady Evelina awhile back. Clear and free of any obligation to marry you.”


“Yes, it’s true.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t he tell me?”

“He asked me not to.” He explained. “He wanted to try to uphold his end of the bargain even knowing that he was duped into it. He’s a fine gentleman that boy. I always knew that about him. That’s why I chose him as a partner for you and not one of your sisters.”

“I’m happy for him then.” She flatly stated though she hardly felt happy. If anything, she felt her emotions plummet. “He will be able to live his dream and not be stifled by a broken wife.”

“You shouldn’t say such things.”

“Why not? It’s true. You know it’s true.”

“I don’t see you as broken.”

“But you don’t see me as whole either.”

He produced a weary sigh. “I wish you would stop torturing yourself and give love a chance.”

“And yet you don’t deny you fear he will turn away from my true self.”

“He loves you and will love you broken or not. Once you are his wife you can tell him—”

She barked a sarcastic chuckle. “Ah, there it is!”

“Evelina you?

??ve come so far. Don’t give up now.”