He grinned suddenly. “If I didn’t know what an unromantic woman you were, Miss Hepworth, I would accuse you of being jealous.”

“Don’t be foolish—”


held up a hand. “No worries. I recalled in time you already corrected me on that account.”

Just then, the little band in the corner began another waltz. Ryan held out his hand and said, “I believe I have this dance.”

She allowed him to lead her out to the dance floor for the second time that evening. As she did, Evelina glanced self-consciously at the other dancers. Her chest constricted uncomfortably at how it appeared as if they were on display immediately causing her to want to run and hide. Until that was, Ryan took her by the hand and all thoughts vanished save for the one that was consumed entirely of him.

“Are you comfortable with picking up your pace?”

“I don’t believe so.” She wished she could. After watching him glide so eloquently across the dance floor with her sister, she wished ardently that she could.

He gave her a consenting nod but made no other comment that may diminish her lack of dance skill.

“So tell me,” he began. “What type of praise did you come up with?”


“Your assignment. I asked you to come up with a compliment for our next dance.”

She sighed and inwardly rolled her eyes. “You are certainly full of vanity.”

He chuckled. “I’ve been accused of that once or twice before.”

“I’m not surprised.”

He laughed again, which caused a warm feeling to stir within Evelina. “So, go ahead, tell me.”

She frowned, as she hadn’t thought of one. She had been too preoccupied watching him dance with other females even to remember he had given her the task. Giving a shrug, she said the first thing that popped into her head. “I guess I like how I always feel safe when I’m with you.”

He stilled. The teasing glint in his eye cast a brief shadow while a tiny frown tugged between his brows. Then in a flash he collected himself and gave her a broad, if not sincere, smile. Otherwise made no reply.

Evelina frowned. “Isn’t it your turn now?”

Their eyes locked and she thought he seemed somewhat troubled. Then he shook his head and the look vanished replaced with a grin that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’ve already complimented you twice tonight. I said you had a lovely smile and at the beginning of the evening I expressed how pretty you looked.”

Actually, he had said her smile was breathtaking and that she looked remarkably beautiful. Why she noticed that he had made his compliments sound less enamored than they actually had been, she wasn’t sure. It wasn’t as if she was a vain girl. The opposite was true in fact. Perhaps that was why she took note. She rarely received flattering compliments. Particularly from a gentleman as handsome as Ryan Colby.

The rest of their waltz continued in silence. They didn’t exchange any other words causing Evelina to wonder if she had upset him somehow. She pointedly noticed that not once did he let out one of his loud robust laughs that he admitted he enjoyed displaying. Or that he had shared with Kathleen.

When the waltz eventually ended, he took her hand and led her back to her parents.

“If you will excuse me, I have an error I need to correct.”

Purposefully, he left her and disappeared amongst the dancegoers.

“I must say, Evelina, you are a fine dancer,” Clive stated then took her hand. “Come, let’s enjoy a dance together.”

Though she moved across the dance floor and listened to her father with one ear as he talked about the outrageous cost of the evening, her attention was on the rest of the room. In particular searching out Ryan’s whereabouts. Where in blazes had he disappeared off to now?

Chapter 11

Ryan made his way among the partygoers his thoughts far more troubled than he would have liked. Evelina’s compliment had admittedly taken him for a loop. He fully expected her to say the usual; nice eyes, handsome face, good physique, but instead she pointed out how safe he made her feel. A response she hadn’t even formulated, offering it up off the cuff of her sleeve. It was possible she might have fabricated it, however, he saw the truth in her eyes.

Unbeknownst to her, she couldn’t have given him one that meant more. Or so personal. He was not considered the heroic type. That was Jay. No one ever turned to Ryan for help. He was brushed aside for the big strong brother. And admittedly, it hurt. There was more to him than just a pretty face and a charming personality. He just assumed no one would ever see it. Hence was the problem. He had to watch himself. He couldn’t allow Evelina to become too emotionally attached. He knew that. Only now, he questioned for whose benefit.