“But look at you!” Her father declared, gesturing toward her person. “A month ago we would never have been able to convince you to leave the house let alone come to a party.”

“And you were dancing,” May added. “Oh, Evelina, it was so wonderful to see you up and dancing.”

She conceded that she had enjoyed herself even if admittedly she felt rather self-conscious. But the way Ryan looked at her as he moved them across the dance floor almost made her feel as if no one else existed. That it was just the two of them staring into each other’s eyes.

As he was doing now with the beautiful blonde who was his present dance partner. Evelina exhaled heavily and turned away, unable to watch any longer.

“Are your legs truly sore?” Clive asked, mistaking her sigh for anguish.

“No, they are good.”

“Are you sure you aren’t too tired? Perhaps the exercise has been too much.” May pointed out.

“No, truly, I’m fine.”

“I’m glad to hear.” Clive smiled down at his daughter. “You must leave me a dance tonight Evie. It is so rare I get the chance to dance with my favorite little lady.”

“Oh Clive, stop showing favorites.” May scolded but smiled fondly at Evelina.

The waltz ended and Evelina’s gaze immediately shot to the dance floor. To her disappointment, Ryan bowed to his partner than moved across the room to take the hand of another woman. Not just any woman, however. It was Kathleen.

She knew there was no reason to be jealous of her sister whose hand in marriage had been claimed already, but she didn’t like the way her sister’s face lit up every time she looked into Ryan’s eyes.

For his part, he remained just as friendly as he always did, bestowing Kathleen with the flirtatious grin he often produced for Evelina. As the waltz started up, their figures immediately glided in unison as if they had danced together for years. They swept across the dance floor at a pace far faster than Evelina would have been able to manage. She hated watching them, yet could not tear her attention away.

Kathleen was laughing far too much in Evelina’s opinion for what was merely a dance. Surely, there wasn’t anything funny enough to warrant such a merry response. Ryan suddenly burst into jubilant laughter along with her sibling and their two voices carried across the hall. Evelina frowned hard, thinking it in bad taste to show such open merriment in public. Really, it was in poor conduct and Ryan should know better.

However, had he not just finished telling her that he rather enjoyed being loud and broadcasting his happiness to the entire universe, not having a care in the world or what anyone thought of him?

Admittedly, Evelina envied that way of thinking. She wished she too could put down her guard long enough to simply enjoy the evening. However, she feared that once she did that, everyone would realize what a fraud she was and that the image she put forth actually harbored some horrible flaws within.

At last, the waltz ended but to Evelina’s dismay, Ryan and Kathleen did not part ways, as they should. Instead, he laid his hand on the small of her sister’s back and led her off the dance floor.

She frowned heavily and wondered if Ryan secretly harbored feelings for her sister. If he did, it was a good thing her sibling was already taken. As a matter-of-fact, where was that blasted fiancé of hers anyway?

Her head spun as she searched the room, seeking out her future brother-in-law. She spotted him jesting with several other men in a far corner, all of whom were also engaged to her remaining sisters. Her spirits sagged somewhat. A tinge of bitterness flowed through her veins. Each of her sisters had easily garnished themselves future husbands. All that was except Evelina. Why was it that she was so different? Why couldn’t she be more like them? She didn’t like being excluded. Her only sense of safety and belonging were within her little family.

And, astonishingly, with Ryan.

Which she knew she ought not to feel as he more or less admitted he harbored no feelings for her or ever would. In addition, to add insult to injury, he did not intend to spend the rest of his life with her.

However, and sadly, whether she consented to the emotion or not, the feeling remained.

“Who do you find so fascinating?”

She jumped, startled by Ryan’s voice whispering so close to her ear. “Where did you come from?”

He laughed. “The dance floor.”

“I just saw you. You left with Kathleen.”

“Were you spying on me, Evelina?” He chuckled

“No, of course not, I was just—”

“Naturally.” He scoffed giving her a shrewd look. “But just the same, she had been enjoying the evening and danced far too much. Her throat was parched and she required a refreshment.”
