“And did you not join them?”


“Hmm, how curious.”

“What is?”

“Why would you go to the bother of learning the dance steps but not apply them? Even in the privacy of your own home?”

She didn’t respond but dropped her gaze to the floor as the waltz started up. As promised, Ryan went considerably slower than the rest of the dancers, which Evelina was grateful for. Needless though, she still watched her feet carefully and meticulously counted each step.

“You’re doing wonderful.”

She glanced up and instinctively smiled. “Thank you. You also are a very good dancer.”

He didn’t say anything immediately causing her to turn her attention back to him. “Did you know that you have an extraordinarily beautiful smile?”

She blushed instantly. “You mustn’t say things like that?”

“Why? Does it embarrass you?”

“Yes.” She admitted.

He chuckled. “Most girls love being bestowed with compliments.”

“I’m not like most girls.”

“Oh, I realize that.”

She wasn’t sure whether to be insulted or not. “Well, they make me uncomfortable. Particularly if they are in jest.”

“I was not jesting. I was being sincere. There are times when you smile and it literally takes my breath away.”

She blinked and miscounted a step causing herself to trip over her own feet. Ryan caught her tight and steadied her. “It’s alright. I’ve got you.”

“Please don’t talk that way.”

“I rather enjoy showering you with compliments. It causes your cheeks to blush so delightfully.”

Certain they had grown another shade darker, she stated bristly, “Yours would too if I purposely tried to embarrass you.”

“On the contrary,” he laughed. “I would love to hear what accolades you would offer me.”


g him no attention, she focused on her feet instead.

“Come now. You cannot think of any?”

“I’m trying to concentrate,” she said, purposely ignoring him.

“It requires your concentration? This should be good.”

She raised her chin and made a face at him. “I meant in the waltz. I don’t want to make another misstep.”

“Tsk.” He feigned hurt, and then cocked his head to look down at her. “Not a single one?”

“Please be quiet.”