
“If that indeed was your intentions then I am flattered and would be happy to oblige you, however, proper society dictates that we mix and mingle and dance with other partners.”

“Surely you jest.”

“I’m afraid not. Social etiquette seems so disagreeable at times.”

“That’s not what I meant. I was referring to the X being reserved for a lady’s escort.”

“Oh yes, that part is true. I thought you would have already known, seeing as you have been to several dances before.” He drew his brows together and rubbed his chin. “I’m not sure how to handle a situation like this. I’ve never found myself in such a predicament before. I suppose I could go and implore the gentlemen to ask you yet again to pencil them in for a waltz. Or perhaps I should reject the ladies I have already went to the trouble of requesting dances for and spend the entire evening with you instead.”

The flirting glance he slid her way made all her insides turn to jelly until he suddenly grimaced with outright exaggeration. “However, that would be in exceedingly poor taste, Evelina, and selfish of you to even ask such a thing.” This last piece said with heavy sarcasm.

“I did not!” She exclaimed while at the same time denying the inner voice that dared to object. The notion that she very much preferred the idea of him choosing the latter left her feeling uneasy. In frustrated, she needed to remind herself that she had no desire to dance with him or anyone else for that matter.

“You are putting words into my mouth! I did not ask such an outlandish request. That certainly was not my intention.”

“Then what was your intention?”

“To skip all the dances. I’ve explained I do not wish to dance tonight.”

“Or you do not know how to?”

She exhaled heavily then shot a glance around the hall quickly before leaning in close to whisper, “No, not exactly.”

“There it is.” He smiled down at her. “Finally, the truth. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

She simply made a face instead of replying.

“Would you like to learn?”

She paused and glanced back at him. “No.”

But she mustn’t have sounded very convincing for his expression brightened slightly. “I promise I won’t go fast.”

She hesitated, toying with her hands horribly. A part of her actually wanted him to take her into his arms and slide them onto the dance floor but it hardly would end up being the graceful image she envisioned. Rather, she would look like a bumbling fool.

“I don’t think that would be a very good idea.”

“Then don’t think,” he said. “Trust.”

He held out his hand and waited for her to take it. She stared down at it for a considerable length of time waging an inner battle within. Then with a resigned sigh, she placed her hand in his and allowed him to lead her out onto the polished floor.

It felt as if all sets of eyes in the hall were staring at her. She set her gaze on the front lapel of his jacket and refused to look away. It wasn’t until he bowed that she remembered she was supposed to curtsy. Placing one leg behind her, she bent low then teetered slightly on unsteady legs as she tried to straighten.

Ryan grasped her hand while an arm slid around her waist to help her regain her balance.

“It will be fine, Evelina.” He whispered as he drew her near.

Their eyes met and she saw so much strength and warmth within him that she was overcome with a sense of security in his arms.

“Now, pretend you are standing in a box and step from corner to corner.”

“I–I actually know the dance moves.”

“You do?”

“Yes, aside from needlepoint and crocheting, my sisters also learned how to dance in the drawing-room. They would practice each Sunday.”