
“Along with a guest list of thirty or so of my parent’s closest friends and family.”

“I see.”

“I much prefer not to attend but seeing as I’m her sister it can’t be avoided.”

He chuckled. “Ah, and you are far too timid to go it alone? Are you asking me to be your escort, Evelina?”

She shrugged and straightened her wet skirts. “If you don’t want to, that’s fine—”

“I’d be honored.”

Jolted, she couldn’t stop her gaze from shooting his way and when she did, she caught her breath. He was looking at her with such admiration that she nearly believed he felt the same way about her as she did about him. However, she was quickly learning that Ryan Colby made a habit of trifling with one’s emotions. Particularly hers. She had best learn to grow a thicker skin or melt whenever he so much as glanced her way.

Chapter 10

Friday evening found Evelina standing outside the community hall where Victoria’s engagement party was being held. From outside, she heard the merry gathering and instinctively drew back, prolonging her entrance.

“What’s wrong?” Ryan stood next to her, staring down at her anxious face.


“Obviously something.”

“Just give me a few minutes.”

He frowned. “Are you not well?”

“I’m fine, thank you, I just need a few minutes to gather myself.”

“Whatever for?”

She didn’t say anything just stared at the building with its windows full of silhouettes moving about within. Ryan followed her gaze and comprehension dawned in his expression.

“Ah, I see. You are uncomfortable with the number of guests.”

She inhaled sharply hating that he pinpointed her flaws so easily. Trying to deny his allegation, she snapped, “Don’t be ridiculous.”

He snorted in disapproval, apparently not believing her. “You really do have a fear of crowds. I didn’t realize how serious it was.”

“I don’t have a fear.” She tried to defend herself. “I simply feel awkward.”

“Of what?”

She hesitated then said, “Staring.”

“Staring? You believe they will all stare at you?”

She shifted self-consciously at his disparaging tone and raised her voice slightly in defense. “They always do.”

“Don’t be foolish. Why would they stare?”

“Because I’m different.”
