His expression remained bland as he looked deep into her eyes until at last, he said, “I hope someday you will trust me enough to let me into this protective cocoon you have imprisoned yourself inside.”

She found herself unable to speak for she suddenly coveted the same thing. Her world was a dark lonely place and she wished ardently there was someone who could rescue her from it. But she didn’t voice any of those thoughts.

He sighed bleakly at her silence then turned away. She watched and waited for his words of finality, convinced this was the moment when he renounced any interest in Evelina forever. She feared her unsound mind had finally turned him away. And if that hadn’t done it, then her obvious unrequited performance after he bestowed her with that jolting kiss probably sealed her fate. However, when he eventually did speak, she was completely stunned.

“I hope you allow me to see you again.”

That was the last thing she expected to hear. If anything, she had wholeheartedly expected to hear words of rejection and apologies on his part. And though she would have adamantly tried to prevent it…crying and sobbing on hers.

His gaze slid back to her face. “Aside from that bout of rain, I was rather enjoying myself.”

She gave a start. The gloomy shadow hovering over her heart lifted slightly. She too had enjoyed their afternoon together. Immensely. However, the moment it ended for her was just before that bout of rain. Along with that heart-stopping kiss. And she would have loved to been able to tell him so but found herself sitting silent instead. To hear him speak so coldly about his feelings toward love and relationships left her feeling far more dejected than she would have readily admitted.

As if sensing Evelina’s thoughts, he said in a hushed tone, “Unless you’ve had a change of heart.”

She looked at him and found him watching her closely. Exhaling softly, she said, “I-I’m not sure.”

“Or perhaps you want the fairy tale?”

Evelina felt her back stiffen and held his gaze in return. She was ashamed to admit it, but she had for just that split moment wished for that fairy tale ending. Have Ryan fall madly in love with her and sweep her off her feet. However, his flat words were a reminder that those kind of things were not in the cards for Evelina. She knew that. She had simply forgotten. Her father said she should consider herself lucky to secure a husband like Ryan Colby. A girl like herself ought to be grateful even to have such an offer. Yes, his proposition sounded horribly lonely but at least she could be assured he’d never discover her secret. If he had no intentions of fathering her any children, she assumed he had no wish to consummate their marriage. Which was probably for the best as she would never be the type of wife who could provide him with a family.

“Or perhaps you don’t know me as well as you think you do,” she responded quietly.

He looked taken aback.

“I’m a sensible girl, Mr. Colby. Not a romantic.”

His gaze held hers for several long moments. Not appearing entirely convinced, he nevertheless said, “I’m glad to hear that.”

He continued to watch her closely and Evelina worked hard to come off as cold and indifferent. It must have worked for he eventually said, “Then allow me to rectify that and get to know you better.”

She had to douse the immediate spark of delight his words caused, reminding herself that what he said and what he felt were remarkably different. The man flirted with words as often as he changed his socks. “I’m also not a senseless girl, Mr. Colby. I’m fully aware it is the Lady Evelina you do not wish to part from. There is no need to try to flatter me.”

He frowned. “It was not my intention to flatter you. Contrary to what you may think of me, I do have principles. No boat is that important. I am being sincere when I say I enjoy spending time with you and would like to be friends.”


"I find you very interesting."

“Interesting?” she exclaimed, offended. “I’m not a novelty that you can discard of once you get bored.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. Wrong choice of words.” He apologized. “I meant what I said earlier though. I want to help you.”

“What makes you think I want to be helped?”

“I see a spark within you that desperately wants to be lit.”

She shifted uncomfortably at his accurate portrayal of her. Drawing her brows together, she asked, “Why do you care?”

“Because I do like you, Evelina. And no matter where this relationship goes between us, I want you to be happy.”

She turned away and inhaled deeply, disturbed by his words and her own thoughts and stared out at the wet city glistening in the sunbeams spewing from the clouds. The rainbow over the little blue house slowly dissolved along with the light within Evelina. Turning towards him, she forced a smile on her lips and surprised herself by saying, “It was a lovely outing prior to the rain. Perhaps we could try again sometime.”

He produced a sincere smile. “I’d very much like that.”

Lord, he had a nice smile. It really could undo the worst of acts.

“My parents are hosting an engagement party for Victoria on Friday evening. I’m expected to attend.”