Ryan calmly reached out and pulled her hand away from the window. To her dismay, he did not remove it but instead, folded it within his large palm and rested it on his lap. “My book is past due and needs to be returned to the library so that my lending status remains in good standing.”


“Yes, oh.” He smiled then turned to look out the window, still holding her hand.

She discovered that she rather liked it even if it did feel slightly risqué. Such intimacy was for married folk, or at the least engaged ones. She shot him a muddled look. Did he consider them engaged? Once his temper cooled the other day, had he realized his folly and hastily returned to reinstate his position as a potential suitor and prospective owner of his very own schooner? She should have known he wouldn’t give up the Lady Evelina so easily.

With irritation, she yanked her hand free. He glanced her way but otherwise didn’t object.

“I’ll accompany you on the ride to the library, but I will wait inside the carriage while you do your business, Mr. Colby.”

“You will do no such thing. I can’t have the city’s most prospective beauty unguarded. Someone may just come along and steal you away.”

“If I’m lucky, perhaps a proper gentleman.”

He actually grinned. “In order to snare a gentleman, a woman must act like a lady.”

Her eyes bulged. “You insufferable pig! How dare you!”

“It perplexes me that you may insinuate that my behavior is far from gentleman-like, however, it is in poor taste for me to bestow you with the same consideration.”

Insulted, and yet peeved that he was right, she crossed her arms over her chest and turned to stare out the window.

“Look, it is simply my wish to get to know you better. I can’t achieve that if you do not allow me to court you.”

“I hardly think you’d want to court such an unladylike woman such as myself.” Then fuming, she swiveled her gaze to glare at him. “But I suppose no other prospective bride offers a boat as a dowry. How lucky am I.”

She knew that last part was rude and offensive, but she was hurt and wanted to strike out.

Interestingly, no indignation darkened his eyes. Rather, he almost appeared sorry for her. “Indeed.”

The coach came to a halt and Evelina looked behind her and realized they had come to stop in front of the library. A flicker of morose had her wishing she could have gone inside.

Instead, she reestablished her resolve and told him, “As I said, I will wait here. Please do not take long as it is rather hot inside the carriage today.”

He grinned and jumped out then came around to her side of the buggy. Opening the door, he held out the library book to her. “Could you hold this please?”

Startled, she took it from him, wondering briefly if she could convince him to lend it out once more so that she might be able to finish reading it. “Certainly.”

Then, while her hands were occupied, he leaned in and swept her up into his arms.


With purpose, he made his way across the walkway that led to the huge flight of stairs without stopping.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking you to the library.”

“Mr. Colby—Ryan—” Panic gurgled swiftly as she noticed a few ladies pass by and tilt their heads together giggling as they observed her being carried off to the library. Then her apprehension swung into full speed as they neared the stairs.

“Please stop!”

But to her amazement, he did not stop, he just waltzed right up those steps as if they were as easy as maneuvering her front porch. Though he handled the flight of steps with ease, this did not stop Evelina from instinctively clutching his neck in fear.

When she did, he turned to her and said, “I’ve got you.”

It warmed her heart immediately. And just like that, she forgot about their bickering in the carriage or the ladies giggling in the courtyard. Instead, a sense of security overcame her. It amazed her that she could feel this protected in virtually a stranger’s arms.