“You will accompany me wherever I choose to court you.”

“I will not,” she fumed. “Put me down this instant.”

“And I will kiss you when and where I please.”

She gasped. “You scoundrel.”

He arched a vexed brow. “Or if I please. A tongue like that, little lady and the prospect doesn’t look rightfully appealing.”

“I’ll bite you if you dare!”

He reached the carriage and dumped her non-too-careful

ly on the seat. “Move over.”

Without politeness he gave her a shove until she scurried to the opposite side of the bench, declaring, “I can’t go anywhere with you without a chaperone?”

“I’m afraid she will have to miss today’s outing.”

“You can’t do that. It’s improper.”

“Do you honestly believe I could tarnish your impeccable reputation?” She knew he was referring to her hermit status and would have been duly incensed but for the fact that he was right. And she hated him for it.

He turned and shot her a sudden devilish grin and said, “Or are you frightened I may ravish your lovely body?”

She gasped. “Sir!”

He chuckled. “Your body and your reputation are perfectly safe. I have your father’s permission.”

Her brows puckered. “You talked to father?”

He glanced at her briefly. “Yes. In depth, actually.”

A hot flush swept over her cheeks. What did her father say? He wouldn’t have told him. He couldn’t have. She stared at Ryan and had to know.

“What about?”


Her chest tightened. Stammering, she asked, “W-what did he say?”

His gaze stared down at her for a good five seconds in silence before he said, “He confirmed you were as crazy as I thought you were.”

She blinked. Surprisingly not insulted by his words. Instead, she felt relief flow out of her lungs. He still didn’t know.

The carriage pulled away from the curb and began wobbling down the dirt road. She pulled her attention away from Ryan and stared out her window. As they made their way through the city, the same familiar landscape greeted her as the previous day when Ryan took her to visit the library. “Where are we going?”

“To the library.” He confirmed.

“I already told you I don’t want to go there!”

“And I told you I wanted your compliance. There will be no more of this disobedient childish behavior.”

“I am not a child! And I am not acting disobediently. I simply do not wish to go to the library. And if you were a gentleman in the very least you would honor my wishes and take me back home immediately.”

“’Fraid I can’t do that.”

“What do you mean you can’t? Of course, you can.” She leaned forward and rapped on the glass trying to get the driver’s attention. “Driver!”