The older woman straightened and replaced the fear in her eyes with displeasure. “As you wish.”

Erika watched her turn away and felt only slightly remorse. She should not have spoken to her in such a way. But now was not the time to waste with silly emotions. She would write from the ship and ask her forgiveness.

Thirty minutes later her trunk was packed and ready for one of the coachman to pick up and deliver to the Francesca. Erika had changed into a proper wedding dress and headed down the stairs. Followed by a sulking Fiona.

As she tied her bonnet beneath her chin, a knock on the front door announced the arrival of their coach. “Come Fiona. I do not wish to be late.”

She swung open the door and was startled to realize it was not the coachman, but Mr. Lyndon, her grandfather’s lawyer.

“I’m sorry to disturb you Miss Snowden,” he said, taking his hat off his head. “Particularly so soon after your grandfather’s burial. However, it has been brought to my attention you are to be married this afternoon.”

“Actually, right at this moment,” she told him, her eyes narrowing annoyingly at him. “Which I am running late for. Whatever it is, it will have to wait.”

She went to brush past him, but he stopped her. “I’m afraid it cannot. I planned on meeting with you in a few days’ time. Allow the grief to pass before discussing legal affairs.”

“I think that is a highly good idea. Now, if you will please excuse me.” Pushing past him easily, she hit the stoned walkway outside her house with the intent of walking to the church. The coach was nowhere in sight and she could not waste another minute.

“Unfortunately, if you are to wed,” he told her. “The importance of my seeing you now is urgent.”

Stopping, she looked back at him. Her frown of displeasure heavy. “How is that?”

He stood straighter and said, “If we could go inside, miss.”

“I’m afraid not, as I’ve already informed you I am late for my own wedding.” Irritated by his impudent tone of voice, she too straightened her spine, and then spun on her heel. “I will not stop now.”

“Then it will be too late.”

This brought her to an immediate halt. “I beg your pardon?”

“If you become Mrs. Colby,” he informed her. “You will not see a dime of your inheritance.”

It took a full moment for his words to register. So unbelievable were they. “I don’t understand.”

“Your grandfather came to see me several weeks back and had me create a new Will. One in which he included a stipulation.” He paused, and then said, “If you were to marry a Colby you forfeit your position as his lone beneficiary.”

Erika could not believe her ears. It couldn’t be true. It was too cruel. Even for her grandfather. However, the lawyer clarified the contents of the Will and confirmed the unthinkable.

“If you marry a Colby, you will lose your inheritance.”

* * *

Erika stood at the altar of the church and stared into Ryan’s face. She had waited for this moment for as long as she could remember. It was finally upon her. So, why did she feel so apprehensive?

Her thoughts went dark as she thought of her grandfather. Even in death he had tried to control her life. Erika would not allow him to win. Nothing would stop her from marrying Ryan.

On their own accord, her eyes slid to the man standing next to him. Jay’s face was slightly ashen, but deadpan as he stared straight ahead at the stained-glass windows above the altar as he stood next to his brother.

She willed him to look at her. Willed him to deny her what she wanted. But his eyes did not stray in her direction.

“Dearly beloved, we have come together today...”

Erika studied Ryan’s face. He looked so serious standing there listening to the minister. His face somewhat pinched. He loved her. Did he not? He must.

Her eyes strayed once again to Jay. And as before, he did not return her look. She felt her insides coil in anger. She did not matter to him. He stood there easily while she married his brother. Appearing as if not to have a care in the world.

He had kissed her. Taken something that wasn’t his. She belonged to his brother. Always had. Her grandfather had known it as well. That was why he forbid her to marry him. Even in death.

Even though the Will had not specifically mentioned Ryan by name, he had known where her heart lay. Yet again, her eyes drifted to Jay. Her grandfather had hated him. Despised him.