It was that cynicism and deep hatred that had taken his life. His intense prejudice that contaminated his heart. Not Jay.

She had been cruel to accuse him otherwise. She had known it, but wanted to strike out. Jay had always been her release. When the confines of her life had been unbearable, she would turn to him and vent all that pent up emotion. Mostly the worst. And he had taken it. Bore the burden of her bitterness. Till today.

He hadn’t deserved her outburst. It was the first time her words looked as if they found their mark. The pain in his silver eyes ricocheted back to Erika’s heart. She hadn’t felt it at the time, but she felt it now.

Why wouldn’t he look at her? She had no idea what he was feeling. What was it she was looking for? Validation? For what?

“The union of husband and wife in heart, body and soul,” the minister read. “Is intended by God for their mutual joy, for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity.”

United as one. Body and soul. Her eyes shifted back to Ryan. Mutual joy. He looked miserable. She shook her head. He did not love her.

“...if anyone has just cause why they should not be lawfully married, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

No matter how much she tried to convince herself, she knew Ryan did not look like a man marrying from his heart. And Erika knew with a start, neither was she. She gasped silently with the realization. A realization that shattered her well sculptured world. All she had thought she believed did not exist.

“Miss Snowden?”

Her attention jerked to the minister as he looked down at her imploringly. She blinked. They hadn’t gotten to the ‘I do’s’, had they?

“You were shaking your head.”

Ryan turned to look down at her. So did Jay. Instinctively, her eyes sought out his over Ryan’s shoulder. She had wanted this. Needed it. And for the merest second she saw it. It came and then was gone, but not before Erika had seen it. Pain.

She sighed and had the urge to break down in tears. Have him pull her into his arms and tell her he loved her. As she did him. Only for him would she walk away from her grandfather’s wealth and inheritance.

Erika took a step back. “I’m sorry—”

Ryan gave a start and looked at her, confusion clearly etched across his handsome features.

“I can’t marry you Ryan. I’m sorry.”

It took a moment for her words to sink in, but once they did, his face went soft and the color started creeping back under his skin. He reached

for her hands. “It’s all right, sweetheart. I understand.”

Did he? She doubted.

“Whoa,” Jay stepped forward. “What do you mean you can’t marry him?”

Her gaze fell upon him, fully expecting to see relief. Instead, she only saw rage. Raw and utter rage. Confusion clouded her thoughts and so she simply shook her head. She heard Fiona curse under her breath. Heard the minister scold the housekeeper, heard Jay’s parents speaking, but could only shake her head.

He grabbed her arm and turned her back to the altar. “They’re getting married!”

“Jay,” Ryan argued, turning away from the altar.

“Stay where you are!” he barked. “Continue with the ceremony.”

The minister looked baffled, his gaze dropping to the couple in front of him. “I-I don’t think I can.”

“Why not?” Jay was beginning to look frazzled. “Pick up at the part where you pronounce them man and wife.”

Horrified, Erika stared up at him. Why was he doing this? She could kick herself. Why had she thought he might care?

“I’m sorry,” the minister said. “I need to have the bride’s consent.”

Jay turned to her then and his face looked less stern. His expression grew soft and his eyes beseeched her. The most imploring and pained expression crossed his handsome features. Erika frowned and took another step back.

For the first time in her life, she felt what true love was only to have the man who owned her heart, offer it to another. Literally begging her to marry another man.