Liam tipped his head. The man who hid the scarred side of his face had returned. They were right back to where they’d started.

“I’m not rejecting you,” he told her, stepping forward.

Macy rounded the island and held up her hands. “No, you’re rejecting any chance of happiness. But I understand if this has anything to do with my past, what I told you. I get it if you think I’m—”

He moved so fast and gripped her shoulders so intensely, Macy let out a yelp as she was hauled against his chest. “Never think I’m turning you away because of what you’ve been through or what other people may say about you. The outside world has nothing to do with what is happening here.”

Well, that answered her question, but brought up a whole host of new ones.

Placing her uninjured palm on his chest, she stared up at him. “And what’s happening in here, Liam? Because my heart goes like crazy when I’m around you. I can’t lie about this any longer. I want you to make a move, to stop worrying about tomorrow or what I’d expect in the end. I have no expectations. I know I like spending time with you. Even when we bicker I’m having a blast because you challenge me. Can’t we—”

Liam’s mouth covered hers. Instantly shutting down any more thoughts she might add to her ramblings. He kissed her as he did everything else, with passion and determination. His hands slid over her jaw, his fingers threaded through her hair as he shifted their angle. His tongue tangled with hers as his body perfectly lined up with every part of her from chest to knee. He moaned slightly, giving away that he wasn’t in as much control as he probably thought.

Macy brought her hands up to his shoulders, but hissed and pulled away when the pressure hit her burnt palm.

Liam raked a hand through his hair and cursed. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

Macy held her hand to her chest, hating that she’d been the one to pull back when he finally relaxed and took what he wanted. She needed him to do that more often because that was the only way he’d see what they could be . . . and she desperately wanted to know how far this could go.

“Don’t apologize,” she told him. “You kissed me and I forgot all about my hand.”

The corner of his mouth tipped up. “Maybe I didn’t need to use that ointment after all.”

“I like when you smile. When you laugh. But I especially like when you kiss me like you don’t care about anything else.”

His smile vanished and she figured she’d said the wrong thing. Too bad. She was done dancing around this, around them.

“You should know something,” she warned, poking him in the chest with her index finger. “I don’t plan on ignoring this attraction. You can try, but I’ll fight you and we both know I’ll win. Let that sink in as long as you need, but I’m ready.”

She expected him to look a little alarmed, a little nervous, but if anything, his eyes darkened, his lids lowered, and he appeared to be . . . turned on? Well, hell yeah. About time her words started sinking in to that brain of his.

“You’re ready for what?” he asked, his voice husky.

She leaned in close and whispered, “Anything you want to give me.”

Knowing she was well ahead in the game here, she sauntered away, an extra spring in her step. But before she could get too cocky, an arm snaked around her waist and hauled her back against a hard, broad chest.

“Don’t flash those eyes at me, taunt me like that, and walk away,” he growled in her ear. “You want a battle. It’s on. But, honey, you’d better be able to back up what you’re saying because I’m bringing my A game and you’ve never seen anything like it.”

Macy shivered and prayed he was telling the truth. Because she wanted Liam . . . and this promised A game.

Chapter Eleven

With spring showing off beautiful days, each one more perfect than the last, women were calling and booking their getaways at Bella Vous. Some were coming just for a quick overnight stay and a day of pampering, others were seeking weekend retreats. The last report Sophie had given Liam was that they were booked through the next two months. Of course they were closed during the wedding weekend, but other than that, they had names for each room and the money would continue to flow in.

Liam still hadn’t made a decision regarding Magnolias, but he did feel a bit less guilty about leaving. Mark had ended

up having to cancel their meeting, but he’d called and settled on a price with Liam and discussed specifics. Liam was informed on what all was included with the price as far as equipment and inventory.

Now more than ever Liam wanted his own place. The price was reasonable because Mark wanted out, which made it perfect for Liam because he wanted in.

But making that final decision, that huge leap of faith, was proving to be harder than he thought it would be. He wasn’t so much afraid of the responsibility of being married to the business—that part actually thrilled him. The problem was over the past year he’d actually grown closer with Zach and Braxton. The experiences of running the resort and the death of their sister had forced them to communicate in ways they never would’ve done on their own.

Well, maybe Braxton would’ve continued to be the mediator, but Liam never would’ve gone to Zach on his own. From the time they all started living together as preteens and teens, Braxton had been the peacemaker. Now that they were adults, not much had changed.

Liam could admit how stubborn he was, how the chip on his shoulder had kept him away for years. What initially had started out as hiding from the pain of the accident had turned into pain from a broken relationship.

Gritting his teeth, Liam snapped the lid on the BLT pasta salad for tomorrow’s lunch crowd. He’d finished all of his prep and was ready to head home. To a home that wasn’t really his home. Macy had grown up there and had slept in the same room he was using now.