Gently, he held her wrist. “I promise, this stuff doesn’t hurt. It actually takes the sting away and it’s an antibiotic cream, too. You’ll feel better in seconds.”

Macy held her breath, turned her head, and waited for him to work this miracle he claimed would cure her. The delicate touch of his fingers wrapped around her wrist comforted her. Those strong hands soothed her nerves in a way that she hadn’t known before. Liam had quite the bedside manner.

“I need to wrap this.”

When he let go, Macy realized the pain had indeed subsided. She glanced down to her hand, which was now greasy from the ointment.

Liam unwrapped a bandage and laid it on her hand before grabbing the tape. He carefully wound the cloth-type tape around her hand. Macy stared at the top of his head as he leaned down and studied his work. He was so intent on helping her, he hadn’t tried to turn away his scarred side. When he lifted his head, she realized how close they were. His hands still held onto hers and Macy didn’t even resist. She lifted her good hand and rested her palm on his scar.

When he started to pull away, Macy lifted her brows and held his gaze. “Don’t.”

The muscle in his jaw clenched beneath her hand. The slight stubble tickled her palm. He didn’t look away, didn’t let go of her. For once, Liam wasn’t trying to hide himself.

“You know you’re attractive with or without a scar, right?” she asked, well aware that this conversation could turn against her in seconds. But she wanted him to know exactly what she thought.

Liam grunted and glanced down to her bandaged hand, then back up. “I’m sorry you’re hurt.”

So, he was going to spin this back to her? Macy ran her fingertip over the jagged skin on his cheek. “I’ll be fine. I’m sorry I dropped your skillet.”

He reached up and pulled her hand away from his face. “I can replace a skillet. I was more concerned with you.”

That low, throaty tone of his combined with that dark gaze sent this intense moment into another level of intimacy. Macy inched a bit closer, her heart quickening when his eyes grew wider.

“You have a need to save people,” she whispered. “But it’ll be fine.”

His thumb stroked the inside of her wrist. “I don’t want you hurt.”

The raw conviction in his tone tore her heart in two. She wasn’t so sure she was the one who needed saving at all. Maybe this strong, determined man needed someone to ride to his rescue. She knew telling him that wouldn’t go over very well, so she’d just have to show him with her actions.

“You must think I’m a complete idiot to grab that without even thinking,” she murmured.

“Why do you think I have all this first-aid stuff?” he countered with a slight grin. “I’ve done it a time or two.”

His words eased her embarrassment somewhat. “Maybe I should get you back home,” he told her, his eyes darting to her lips. “It’s well after midnight.”

“I’m not really tired,” she countered, needing him to fulfill that silent promise in his eyes. “Are you?”

“Not at all.”

Heat flooded her. She wanted Liam to make a move because she would not be the one to break their truce. She was more than willing to give him the upper hand here. She never thought this would happen, but with Liam she wasn’t scared. If anything, she felt safe, which turned her on even more than her physical attraction to him.

His thumb continued to run over the sensitive skin on the inside of her wrist. There was no way she could prevent the tremble from taking over and there was no way he missed the effect he had on her.

“How do you do this to me?” he whispered. “I’ve been here before. I swore I’d never do this again.”

That was the second time he’d mentioned being “here” before, but Macy had no clue what he referred to. Was he meaning her or someone in his past? Macy didn’t want to think about anything other than this moment. There was something about the middle of the night that brought out even more intimacy. There was something to be said for knowing there would be no interruptions and that the only two people who mattered right now were Liam and her.

“Who hurt you?” she whispered, resting her forehead against his, reaching up to stroke his hair.

He pulled in a ragged breath. “She doesn’t matter, but I can’t do this, Macy. Damn it. I want to. I just . . . I can’t.”

The angst in his voice, the pain lacing each word, almost had her feeling guilty, but why shouldn’t they act on their emotions? Perhaps what she’d told him had put him off. Maybe knowing she’d been a victim of sexual assault had scared him away, adding to the demons he already faced.

Or maybe he’d believed the old rumors of her being promiscuous because she liked to date. Nobody knew of her assault in college. Well, nobody but Liam. If they did, maybe they would see how she’d used each and every date to get over that fateful night that changed her forever. That she’d accepted every man who asked her out because that put the control in her corner and she needed to hold the upper hand.

A slice of pain hit Macy deep as she eased away. She stepped far enough back to be out of reaching distance. Swallowing all of her emotions, she pushed back a stray strand of hair that had escaped her ponytail.

“I’m ready for you to take me home now.”