Page 49 of Boss

Before she could say anything, he went on, “Either way, I’ll be driving you home. What’s your phone number?”

She should have realized he’d think that through as well. He’d provided his information yesterday and given her access to all his files, but she hadn’t done the same.

He angled his wrist so that his watch was exposed. A large pink heart hovered above the screen.

“What’s that for?”

He impatiently swiped a finger across the surface. “Heart rate monitor.”

“A pulsing heart hologram? Pink is definitely your color.”

From his scowl, he didn’t seem nearly as amused by the sight as she was. “Your number, Ms. Lane?”

She forced away her smile, and Nathan touched the corner of the screen as she provided the number.

“Call Kelsey Lane,” he instructed.

“Dialing, Mr. Donovan.”

Seven seconds later, her phone rang.

“End,” he told the watch.


“Now you’ll have no excuses for not contacting me.”

The man was skilled at getting his way.

Without another word, he went to unlock the door. “I’m looking forward to this evening,” he said before entering his office and closing the door.

She allowed her shoulders to collapse against the chair back.

With each moment, she felt as if she were getting deeper and deeper in a swimming pool. She’d started in the shallow end, but she could no longer reach the bottom.

* * * *

What the hell was it about her that made common sense pack a bag and head for parts unknown?

Yesterday Nathan had told Kelsey that he was cautious, but that was a fucking lie when it came to her. If he’d been cautious, he wouldn’t have reacted when Connor had told him she wanted to go to Deviation. As long as it didn’t interfere with job performance, it didn’t—shouldn’t—matter to Nathan what his employees did during their free time, but somehow it did with Kelsey.

And if he were cautious, he wouldn’t have driven to his favorite kink store in South Houston after he’d left her condo last night.

The store had been a forty-five-minute drive each way, but he’d been obsessed with getting her the nipple clamps, a small plug, a leash and a collar that she could wear on Saturday night. He’d wanted the items in his possession and he’d been too impatient to wait for overnight delivery. With her, he refused to take chances.

He hadn’t gotten home until nearly eleven, and he’d jacked off before going to bed, but that hadn’t stopped him from waking up with a hard-on six hours later.

That one, he’d ignored. He knew he’d pissed her off this morning. What she didn’t know was that he was suffering along with her. He wanted the low-grade yearning to consume him, sharpening his focus where she was concerned.

For the tenth time today, his watch vibrated. He glanced at it to see a 3-D heart image pulsing rapidly above the screen. “Out of my head, Bonds.”

But the God damn heart icon beat even faster, and he detested that it was an accurate representation of what was going on in his head.

This need for her surprised him.

It had been more than two years since he’d been involved with a woman. But now that he’d had a taste of Kelsey’s submission, all he could think of were things he wanted her to know, about BDSM, about herself.

He wondered if her toughness had surprised her. It had delighted him.

When he’d felt how wet she was from his spanking, he’d given her a little more than he’d originally planned to. She’d rewarded him by thrusting back into him, calling his name, orgasming harder than anyone he’d been with.

It had taken all his self-control to leave her last night, and he hadn’t until after he’d reassured himself that she was fine.

While he’d told her having a relationship wasn’t forbidden, it wasn’t intelligent. He knew that ignoring his internal warnings might prove disastrous. And damned if he didn’t intend to do exactly that.

A knock on the door brought him back from the dangerous territory his thoughts had led him into. “Enter.”

Kelsey stood on the threshold, so damn appealing in her heels, borderline-too-tight skirt and white button-down shirt.

Since this morning, she’d freshened her red lipstick.

Fuck him to within an inch of his life.

“I just got off the phone with Holly Newman. She said it’s a good time for me to visit the hospital.”

“I’ll walk you to the car. It’s in the VIP lot today.”

“I’m sure I can find that. Probably. Maybe.”

“You don’t have a spot there?”

“Is that a serious question?” Her chin came up in a move he already recognized as defensive. “And would you be asking now if we didn’t have a personal relationship?”