Page 50 of Boss

Anger arrowed through him. “Is that a serious question?” he countered, pissed. “It’s about safety. You get here earlier than almost anyone in the building. And from what I can see, you leave later than most. And you’re my assistant.”

“Being the CEO’s executive assistant has never earned me privileges before.” Then, as if she wanted to defuse his anger, she added, “There are a limited amount of spots and a lot of competition for them. Besides, most times I take the train.” She smiled. “Besides, if you remember, you drove me home. If I can borrow your keys, I’m sure I can find the lot. It can’t be that difficult.”

He stood, grabbed his keys from his top desk drawer then said, “Follow me.”

Lightly, she placed her fingers on his forearm. Earlier in the day, he’d removed his jacket and rolled back his sleeves, so they were skin-to-exciting-skin. He loved her touch.

“Nathan, really, there’s no need. I don’t want to take you away.”

“Kelsey, what gave you the idea we were still discussing this?”

Her nose flared as she drew a deep breath.

“I like you better when you don’t struggle.”

“You like it better when you win,” she countered.

He grinned, feeling feral. “Especially that.”

After placing his fingers on the small of her back, he guided her from their offices. In the elevator, she moved to the far side of the car.

And because of the way she’d acted this morning and the fact he couldn’t get her out of his head, he hit the stop button.

Her eyes went wide, the whiskey color banked by fire.

He advanced on her. She retreated until she couldn’t move another inch.

“You feel it too.”

“You frustrate me.”

“You wanted that orgasm this morning.”

She hesitated before admitting, “Yes. I don’t like being left unfulfilled. It’s annoying.” She grabbed a hank of hair and moved it over her left shoulder. “I’m trying my best not to think about it and to concentrate on my job. Honestly, Nathan? This whole submission thing is more complicated than I thought it was.”

He saw the struggle in her eyes, and it mirrored his angst. He fucking wanted her pleasure as much as she did. “If you want it, you’ll have to take it. I won’t make it easy for you.”


“Take it.” He held up his hand.

Her breaths were rapid, and she dropped her tote bag to the floor.

An alarm sounded, followed by slightly disembodied words from the metal speaker. “Everything okay, Mr. Donovan?”

He recognized the voice of the head of security, a dedicated, intelligent man Nathan had met last week. “Fine, Rankowski. Give me three minutes.”

There were a few seconds of silence before the man said, “Ms. Lane?”

“Fine, John.” Her voice was flustered, her vocal cords strained.

“Any longer, I’ll have to ask you to continue or I’ll need to call the fire department.”

“Thank you,” Nathan replied.

“Are there cameras in here?” she asked.

“In the hallway. Not in the elevator.”

“But…people will know.”

“We’re having a private discussion.” He regarded her. “Your choice. We have three minutes. What will it be?”

“I think we’ve both lost our minds,” she whispered.

Wondering about that himself, he captured one of her hands and moved it to his wrist. “Fuck my hand.”

For a long second, he had no idea whether she’d be brave enough or whether she’d push a button to continue the descent.

He inhaled, sucking her into his senses. Honeysuckle and hesitation.

“Yes,” she said.

He captured the bottom of her skirt and yanked it up, exposing that black lacy confection.

“What now?” he asked her.

“Please, Sir.”

“Please, what?”

“Please put your hand in my panties, give me an orgasm.”

“Now? Here? In the elevator? You want me to fuck you with my hand?”

She looked up, then back at him. “Yes.”

“Then tell me.”

“I want you to fuck me with your hand, Nathan.”

“Scream for me?”

“Make me.”

That was why he was so captivated, he knew. It was the combination of sass and bravery, of hesitation and innocence. If he could have wrapped up a gift for himself, she would be wearing a bow. “Kelsey, my perfect little sub, I will give you anything.”

She guided his hand inside her panties. Her pussy was drenched.

“Did you already come, you naughty sub?”

“No, Sir. I’m just that ready.”

Without another word, she pushed on his hand and he plunged three fingers inside her.