Her pussy was stretched by the relentless toy when he allowed her to rest.

Even though it was turned off, little shocks pulsed through her. It took a full minute for her to drag her pulse back under control.

She wasn’t aware of him moving, but he stroked her hair back from her face. Hope blinked. Approval radiated from his eyes. And for that drug, she’d endure anything.

“One more denial. Can you do it?”

Hope wanted to respond with “Do your worst.” But the truth was, she wasn’t that brave. As he’d said, he was much better at this game than she was, and she’d be smart not to test him. “Yes, Rafe.”

He pressed his thumb to her lips, then stroked one of her eyebrows.

When he sat on the chair, she braced herself, tightening her muscles. But… The vibrator barely fluttered, just an exquisite kiss against her genitals.

She sighed with pleasure. After the vibrator’s rigorous shuddering, she appreciated the gentleness. No longer needing to fight, she surrendered. “So nice…”

After a few minutes, the flicker from the silicone, combined with a low-grade hum, unnerved her. Unlike the previous two times, this wasn’t an avalanche of arousal. It was a small wave that started in the distance, then grew, crested, then crashed against the shore. “Rafe! Damn it!” Because it came from the furthest recesses of her body and had taken so much time to build, this was stealthier, so much stealthier than the earlier ones had been. She was helpless. Why the hell had she wanted him to do his worst? “I can’t…” Fuck. With the way her limbs were restrained, there was no way for her to dislodge the annoyance or get enough pressure to achieve completion.

He stood and walked around the bed to stand beside her.

“I’m…” She couldn’t form a coherent sentence.

“Almost there,” he agreed. He squeezed each of her nipples in turn, making her yelp.

He pulled the shimmering device from her for a second and she breathed out a heartfelt “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet.” He increased the speed and pressed it into her, hard.

She sobbed, unsatisfied and drained.

“I imagined you to be fierce”—he turned off the remote and tossed it onto the nightstand—“but I had no idea how incredible you’d be.”

He kissed her, mouth-fucking her. She responded in kind, taking and giving, tasting.

When he ended the kiss, his eyes were heavy. “I want a thousand more nights like this.”

So do I. Life had taught her not to wish for the impossible, but she was.

He left her long enough to unclip her bonds. Though he didn’t remove her cuffs, he rubbed her skin. Then, fortunately, he lowered the elastic straps from her hips.

“If you threw that thing away, I’d do a happy dance.”

Rafe helped her up, and she wrapped her arms around her upturned knees, recovering. Reverberations rocked her body, and she needed an orgasm.

Rafe picked up the paddle before moving the chair to where it had been. He placed the spanking implement on the nearby table, within easy reach. “Come here, Hope.” He pointed to his lap.

“You’re still going to spank me?” After all that?

“I am, indeed.”

Rafe appreciated the seductive, sleepy haze in Hope’s golden eyes. It reminded him of the first rays of dawn before the sun fully emerged.

He extended his hand in her direction and she climbed from the bed and took tiny, hesitating steps. At first, she kept her legs wider than normal, as if hoping not to arouse herself. But for the last couple, she pressed her legs together. She was in such distress that his dick hardened to granite.

She stood in front of him, her head tipped back.

“Tell me why you’re being spanked.”

“For coming without permission.”


She curled her hands at her sides. “Because you’re the Lord of Domination and you said so.”

He grinned. “Yes. That’s correct.” And he wanted to show her the beautiful, sensual side of BDSM. “Over my lap, please.”


He offered his hand again. She slipped her small palm against his; then he helped her to get situated, ensuring her fingertips could touch the floor. The truth was, he would keep her safe, always. “Relax your head. If you keep it tense, you may get a crick in your neck.” When she didn’t follow his instruction fast enough, he pressed his hand between her shoulder blades, easing her into position.