He sat on the bed next to her. “I acknowledge what you’ve said.” He captured a lock of hair and played with it.

“But you won’t change your mind, will you? Because you’re the Lord of Domination and you’re in charge.”

“Lord of Domination?”

Oh, God, she hadn’t said that out loud.

His smile was both swift and triumphant. “I like that. You can use it in place of my name in your phone so that whenever we talk you’ll be reminded of this moment when you were helpless and terrified.”

Hope sighed, loving and hating this dynamic. It was anything but boring, unlike how her sex life had been until this point.

“Shall we begin?”

He waited with seeming bountiful patience for her consent.

“Yes, Rafe.”

With a nod, he stood, adjusted his shirtsleeves above his elbows, then went into the closet.

Was he was gone for an inordinate amount of time or did it just feel like it because she was left alone, helpless, aware of her nudity and her journey into submission, a bit anxious about what to expect.

When he returned, he was carrying a rectangular fob about an inch thick. “Is that what I think it is?”

“A remote control, yes. The power to make you whimper and beg and cry.”

His grin was terrifying.

Instead of returning to sit next to her as she had guessed he might, Rafe slid the chair across the floor until it was positioned at the foot of the bed.

Then he stood, adjusted the elastic straps a little higher up her legs, used two fingers to part her labia, then snuggled the butterfly into her pussy. His touch, impersonal and precise, made her wiggle. She ached for him to get her off. Instead, he readjusted the black strap on her left thigh once more, making it even tighter, before taking a seat.

He watched her as she fought to relax. It took a couple of minutes for her to release the tension in her muscles, sink into the mattress, then find patience and peace, feelings that were unfamiliar to her. Only then did Rafe flip on the device.

A soft sensation flickered across her clit, grabbing her attention. Before she could do anything other than take a shallow breath, he turned off the switch.

“How was that?”

She’d been afraid the vibration would be something she’d struggle to tolerate, but it hadn’t been bad. Much less intense than she’d feared. She lifted her head a little to see him. “Fine.”

“Are you ready?” His grin promised there was something to be wary of.

“Yes.” The word didn’t come out as strong as it would have been even thirty seconds before.

Rafe slid his forefinger across the switch.

A faint hum filled the room, and the butterfly fluttered against her clit, this time with more force. She sucked in a gasp. “God almighty.” Her toes curled. For the first time, she tugged against her bondage, trying to escape even as she sought more. “Rafe!”

“This is hotter than watching you trying to get yourself off on the pillow.”

She tried to picture herself, no secrets from his sharp gaze, her pussy spread and held wide.

He notched the switch higher.

She screamed. Earlier this evening, she was sure it wouldn’t have seemed so extreme, but since he’d kept her teetering on the edge for so long, this was difficult to bear. Hope dug her heels into the mattress, trying to use it as leverage to lift herself, but his bonds were too secure.

A million electrical zaps arced through her pussy. “I… I…” In under a minute, she needed to come.

Her body went rigid, and she closed her eyes…only to have the room go silent, the vibrator turn off. She exhaled a deep, shuddering breath, the type she had after a long run or during interval training on the elliptical at the gym.

“Discovering how easy you are to arouse is gratifying.”

Rafe gave her no time to answer or recover. He turned the vibrator to high, making her cry out. She tried to roll to one side to escape, and because she couldn’t, she tightened her buttocks in a vain attempt to ignore the powerful toy.

He continued to run the vibrator hard while she wailed his name.

She couldn’t move or touch herself.

Rafe sat there, master of all, keeping her panting and desperate.

Her safe word offered an escape, but Hope didn’t want to grab it. No one had ever demanded so much of her. It—Rafe—would destroy her.