Logan doubted Elle’s acting ability. Hatred was a hard emotion to hide. He turned and casually moved to the Ethridges’ circle and took charge of the introductions.

Elle’s lips tightened when Logan used his real name. It had panicked her, but an idea on how to play Ethridge had just formed in Logan’s mind.

Nicki quickly inserted herself next to him. She and Ethridge played off each other, reaffirming compliments and comments. Their behavior felt like a well-choreographed performance. The hair on the back of his neck vibrated.

Brandon, as they’d been instructed to call him, wore dark gray slacks and a red sweater. His salt-and-pepper hair gave him a distinguished appearance, but at the same time, he was almost pretty. Not one wrinkle marred his face, meaning he’d been born with great genes or he had an expert plastic surgeon. No way was he old enough to have a daughter in her late twenties.

Nicki’s platinum-blonde hair, pale ivory skin, and bright red lips were all by design. A pale blue dress stopped at her ankles, showing off toenails polished to match her lipstick. The plunging neckline and high slit up the side of one leg left little to the imagination. Her style screamed sex and money.

“Aren’t you just cotton candy for the eyes,” Nicki purred. “When did you arrive?”

“A few hours ago. You?” Logan would use her flirting to his advantage.

“Dad and I flew into Denver yesterday. We waited in town until the blizzard eased before coming up the

mountain. Noble Pass can be quite treacherous.”

“I heard that at the airport. You’re familiar with the area?”

Her smile answered before she spoke. “I can be. If you need a guide, I’m free.”

Logan doubted if anything about her was free. “Thanks. I’ll remember your offer.”

He turned his body slightly so he could see Elle. Her expression was stone cold. Her gaze should have frosted Brandon’s balls. Logan had to intervene. He leaned closer to Nicki.

“You’ll have to excuse my friend. She doesn’t warm up to strangers very well.”

“So you’re a couple?”

“Oh, hell no.” He laughed.

“Well, I think she’s jealous that you’re talking to me. Don’t you?”

“I’m not worried. Are you?”

“Not hardly.” Nicki swept her long hair over one shoulder. “What line of business are you in?” She scanned his clothing. She probably knew how much each item cost. Good thing he’d splurged.

“I own a small chain of B and Bs. Nothing on the scale of the Castle Alainn, but they’re profitable.” The idea of making himself a potential target had come to him when he’d shaken hands with Brandon. The B and Bs belonged to his dad, but he would play along.

“How quaint.” Her eyes sparkled with interest. “What are they called?”

“Texas Country Inns.” Before she could quiz him further, he turned to Elle and extended his hand. “I see Liam and Alana have joined the party. We should say hello.”

“Sure thing,” Elle agreed, twining her fingers through his.

“Wait,” Nicki said. “Why don’t you two join us for an early-morning trip down the mountain?”

“I haven’t skied in years, but I’m game.” Logan flashed his pearly whites at Nicki.

“I’ll have to pass,” Elle said quickly. “I signed up for a refresher lesson in the morning.”

“I’m sure that’s a good idea.” Nicki’s attempt at an innocent smile failed. “We’ll entertain Logan while you’re busy.”

“Works for me.” Logan could feel Elle’s gaze burning a hole in his cheek.

“We’ll meet at the lift desk at nine.” Nicki looped her hand into Brandon’s elbow. Together they navigated through the crowd.

“I’ll alert rescue to be ready in case you don’t return.” Elle smiled up at Logan, but her smoldering eyes held no humor.