“Like I said, I can do things that you and Eric can’t.”

“And you could find yourself in serious trouble. Did it occur to you that one of those neighbors might’ve mentioned your visit?”

A faint whiff of cologne drifted off Logan, assaulting her senses. She fought the urge to lean closer to him. He stared at her, waiting for a response.

“Let them. I used a fake name. Besides, there’s no such magazine.” To get his mind off her transgressions, she picked up his glass, walked to the small bar in the corner, and added a splash of wine. Elle walked behind his chair, leaned down, and returned his drink. “Drink up. The hotel mixer has started. Time to meet Ethridge and his daughter.”

“Okay. But this conversation is far from over.” Logan took one sip before he stood. His gaze dropped to her toes and slid back up.

“What?” She caught a glimpse of lust in his eyes. Then it was gone, replaced by total disinterest.

“You’ve grown up.”

“Thanks.” She lifted one eyebrow. “You’re not much of a cop if you just noticed. That happened a long time ago.”


Logan held the door for Elle, drinking in the sight as she brushed past him into the hall. She moved with confidence. The slight sway of her hips was mesmerizing. Hell yes, he’d noticed she’d grown up. He’d watched her mature and blossom for years. By the time she’d entered high school, it had taken a Herculean effort not to drool when she entered a room.

He’d had good survival skills back then too. He’d heeded Eric’s warning not to even think about messing with his sister. Elle glanced over her shoulder and caught him staring. She lifted one dark eyebrow but said nothing. This was going to be a rough week.

She stepped into the elevator and turned to face him. Elle breathed out a sigh. Her jaw tightened. The hardheaded girl he remembered from childhood looked up with a glare.

“It would be nice to have your help. If you’re not willing, please don’t interfere.”

Logan dropped his hand to the small of her back as the elevator doors opened. His fingers heated from the warmth she generated. The soft spot he’d had for her hadn’t diminished over the years. Spending time alone with her was going to be a true test for him. He wasn’t in love with her, but he was sure as hell in lust.

He’d never felt so divided.

Eric was counting on his best friend to keep her safe. The only way he was going to pull that off was to keep his mind out of the bedroom and go along with her crazy plan. He could be risking his career, but if she got hurt, mentally or physically, he’d never forgive himself.

Even before they reached the lobby, the sound of music and people laughing filled the vast open space. Castle Alainn had been around for hundreds of years. A lot of the ancient opulence had been preserved. The lobby, with its marble floors and atrium, resembled an opera house he’d seen in a movie.

Red ribbons and bows dotted the walls and hung from the ceiling. A hand-carved, life-size nativity scene filled one corner. At the opposite end of the room, a huge Christmas tree with multicolored lights sat before a wall of windows. The curtains were open to show the blowing snow.

Elle’s hand on his arm stopped him. “Ethridge is about ten feet in front of you.”

“I got him. The blonde is his daughter?”

“Yes. Don’t let Nicki’s looks blind you. Her neighbors think she’s unpolished.” Elle chuckled. “Their words, not mine.”

“You got the neighbors to swap gossip with you? I’m impressed.”

“Don’t laugh. I read that if you make people feel like you’re a friend, they feel more comfortable speaking. Once I convinced them to let me inside, I’d take a quick look around their living room and pick a family picture or a piece of art to ask about. After we chatted for a minute, they usually relaxed and answered my questions.”

“Interviewing 101.”

Logan watched as Nicki Ethridge openly flirted with everyone from the male guests to the waitstaff. A tug on his sleeve pulled his attention to Elle. Her pupils flared.

“You’re staring.”

“Just checking the layout,” he lied with a grin. Had he detected a bit of jealousy? “Let’s get a drink and work the room.”

Having Elle’s hand tucked in the crook of his arm felt good as they travelled between the guests. They shook hands, chatted with a few couples, and then moved back into the mix.

Eventually, they found themselves a few feet away from Ethridge and his daughter, who were talking with a group of possible marks. He stopped and turned his back to the room. No way was Logan letting this opportunity pass. “We need to make nice with Brandon and Nicki. Think you can pull this off?”

“Of course.”