* * * *

The weather outside was cold, brisk even. Elle turned her face upward toward the sun, allowing the rays to seep into her soul. The high winds of the past few days had gone away with the snow, leaving a blanket of white beauty. “The view from the top will be spectacular.”

“No doubt,” Logan said, helping her with her skis at the lift loading ramp. “Ready?”

The brilliance of the day, the sunlight reflecting off his sunshades, and the excitement of skiing with Logan at her side sent her into deep thought. Their future, if they were to have one, would be filled with love and laughter. She refused to think about his job and the chances he took every

day. If he loved her, she could deal with the minutia. A tug snapped her back.

“This is ours.” Logan helped her and then sat next to her. “You look beautiful. The sun loves your skin.”

The lift lurched slightly, and soon they were rising above the ground. The higher they climbed, the more spectacular the view. As the castle grew smaller, her field of vision opened to miles of snow-covered mountains. Skiers dotted the landscape. A quiet peace washed over her. Elle couldn’t keep the truth about her feelings inside any longer.


A couple of popping sounds rang out. Logan jerked her to him, covering her with his body. The lift chair swung sideways and then tilted, jerking them apart. He grabbed for her, but she went flying through the air. Elle reached for him but found nothing. Her body met the snow-covered mountainside with a hard thud. White flakes flowed over her, covering her face and body. Elle pushed herself to a sitting position. Her ears rang and her back hurt like hell. Fear and worry strengthened her as adrenaline flowed through her body.

“Elle,” Logan’s voice boomed in the open air. “Elle.”

“Here,” she responded. Her panic subsided at the sound of his voice. She fell back, calmer now that Logan was making his way to her.

Logan knelt over her. Concern filled his eyes. “Are you hurt?”

“Nothing serious.” She stood, grimacing at a twinge of pain in her ankle.

“We have to get out of the open. Put your arm over my shoulder. We’re sitting ducks.”

“So that was gunfire I heard?”


Logan’s eyes burned with anger as he held her close. The snow was soft powder, and his long legs pushed their way through quickly. His gaze scanned the tree line as he trudged toward the row of pines. “We’ll be harder to spot.” Logan stopped behind a tree and put her down.

Elle tested the ankle. “I’m fine. Nothing’s broken.”

Logan unzipped one of the pockets on his coat and pulled out his cell. He handed it to her. “Call Liam while I take a look around. Tell him about the gunshots and that we’re about halfway up the mountain. He’ll send someone to pick us up.”

Elle’s talk with Liam was brief. She hung up with a sigh of relief. “He’d been notified of the cable break but didn’t know about the gunshots. A rescue team has already headed up the mountain.” Elle kept her eyes on the horizon. “Brandon’s good-old-boy routine should win an award.”

“He’s crazy if he thinks I won’t hunt his sorry ass down.” Logan, who’d been scanning the horizon, turned toward her.

Her eyes filled with panic. “You’re wounded. How did I not notice that your right arm is bleeding?”

“I’ve had worse.” He tried to ease her fear. “The bullet must have grazed a nerve. My fingers are tingling.”

The roar of an engine was a welcome sound. The bright orange rescue snowmobile cruised into sight. Its driver, dressed in cold-weather gear and wearing a full-face helmet, slowed the big machine.

“Thank God.” Elle pushed away from the tree she’d been leaning on, walked to the opening, and then waved. “We have an injured man. Hurry.”

“Elle,” Logan growled her name. He pulled her behind him, shielding her with his body. “Stay behind me.”

The driver stopped and motioned for them to get on the back of the snowmobile. Logan slowly scanned the area. Elle wanted to grab him and run. If he had lost the feeling in his fingers, something was very wrong. He needed medical attention.

“Stay alert.” He glanced back at her.

His troubled expression and deep frown touched her. Elle put her hand on his back as reassurance that she’d follow his instructions. It was no surprise to find that his muscles had coiled tightly.

Single file, they walked out into the open. The snow slowed their forward movement, but Logan forged ahead. A bright flash blinded Elle for a second.