The driver aimed a rifle at them. Logan whirled and pushed Elle down in the snow. Together they crawled behind a scrawny tree. He landed on top of her just as a gunshot rang out, echoing in her head.

He was trying to unzip a pocket on his right hip using his left hand. “Get my gun. Safety’s on.”

Elle put her hand in his pocket, feeling the cold handle in her palm. She flipped off the safety, turned to see their attacker walking toward them with the rifle aimed their direction. There was no time to give the pistol to Logan. Elle fired.

The driver stumbled backwards and collapsed.

“Stay down,” Logan said. He eased up to the shooter, grabbed the gun with his good hand, and retreated as fast as possible in the snow.

“Oh, my God.” Elle stared at the body. Her brain locked down as reality hit. Her chest heaved. She couldn’t catch her breath. “I killed him.”

“Elle?” Logan grabbed her, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “Baby. You did what you had to do.”

She studied the shooter for a second longer. “Logan. Even under all those layers, I can tell that’s a woman. Look at the size. That isn’t a man.”

Logan walked toward the body. He glanced at Elle. “I think you’re right.”

Elle had to know. She took a deep breath and joined him. Flashes of television shows where the killer was still alive flashed through her mind with every step. The bad guy always woke up, reached out, and grabbed the heroine’s arm.

“Ready?” His eyes locked on hers.


He lifted the face guard. Nicki’s blue eyes stared up at them. Cold and very dead.

“You’re very observant. That’s the sign of a good cop. It’s not too late for you to sign up for the academy.”

“Thanks, but I couldn’t deal with the danger.”

“It was our life or hers. Never forget that.”

His words had been intended to soothe and calm. She loved him for reassuring her. “Let’s get you to a doctor.”

“I’m okay.”

“You’re bleeding. Lean on me,” she said.

“Have you ever driven a snowmobile?”

“I’ll figure it out. Damn it, don’t argue.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. “We can wait right here.”

“There’s not time.”

“Elle,” Logan said. “I hear a snowmobile. The rescue team is coming.”

Cautious and afraid, Elle slipped the pistol into her pocket but kept her finger on the trigger. After the two men removed their helmets and rushed to Logan’s side, she engaged the safety.


The emergency room doctor stood back and nodded his head as if admiring his handiwork. Logan didn’t care if it was pretty, he just wanted out of the emergency room. “You’re cutting me loose, right?”

Elle walked through the door. “He should stay overnight.”

Logan could see the stress in her eyes. She’d been through a lot in the past few hours.

“That won’t be necessary. He’ll be fine,” the doctor said. “There’s no permanent damage to the nerve. You know how it feels when you hit your funny bone and numbness spreads to your fingers?”