Elle chuckled. “No. But I think Logan’s going to when we return.”

“It’s about time. You and that boy have been mooning over each other for years,” Nan said with a laugh.

“Nan,” Elle answered. “What makes you say that?”

“Honey, everyone could see it but you two. Took long enough for you knuckleheads to get together.”

“Could be because Eric constantly reminded Logan not to even look at me.”

“That wasn’t such a bad thing.”

“You knew?”

“I’m old, not stupid. Last thing you or Logan needed was to have a kid at sixteen.”

“You don’t know that would’ve happened.” Elle couldn’t believe her ears.

Nan’s sigh was a warning. She wasn’t going to let Elle get away with denying anything. “Back then, neither of you had enough brains to pour piss out of a boot. Sometimes, I’m not sure about now. You are using protection, aren’t you?”

“Nan,” Elle exclaimed, her cheeks burning as she spoke. Silence on the other end of her call reminded her that Nan would wait until she got her answer. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Good. Love happens when the time is right. But true love won’t wait forever for you to catch up with it. I think you and Logan have grown up enough to handle the responsibilities that come with loving another person. You’ll probably have to take control. Sometimes a man needs a little push.”

“I will. He’s not getting away.” Elle ended the call, laid back on her bed, and stared at the ceiling. She hoped that someday she’d be as kind and understanding as her grandmother. Elle had suffered through the loss of her mom and dad, but Nan had done everything possible to fill the void their deaths had created.

Elle closed her eyes and pictured Logan telling Eric about them. Nan had been right. Elle would be forever grateful that Eric had taken on the role of protector at an early age. She hoped he’d understand and support that she was a big girl now. Sleep came easily, and Elle didn’t fight it.

* * * *

Something landed on Elle’s face. She couldn’t breathe. Something pressed down hard on her arms and her face. She kicked her feet. Bucked her hips in desperation trying to pitch the weight off. Her lungs were going to explode. A filtered voice sounded as if it came from far away, saying something about a nosy bitch.

Darkness came even as she fought against it.

* * * *

Nicki pushed Logan’s drink closer to him. She’d been distant, almost formal since arriving at the bar. They’d exchanged pleasantries, and again he’d described the bed-and-breakfast chain. She kept glancing toward the lobby as if she expected someone.

“Are we expecting Brandon?”

“He’s getting a massage. The trip down the slope was tough on him.” Her gaze slid over Logan. “You took to the snow easily. Not rusty at all.”

“Muscle memory.” The small talk had dragged on long enough. Logan decided to push the conversation along.

“I’d better get back. The market has been all over the board. I’m thinking about dumping some stock before the price drops any further.”

“You should talk to my father first.” A hand on his knee startled him. “He’s made lots of people rich.”

Logan leaned closer and delivered his best patronizing smile. “I’m already rich.”

“No one has too much money. Dad can help you stay that way.” Her grip moved to his thigh.

Logan expected her to use sex as her weapon of choice, but this open display surprised him. “I’ve heard that before.”

“No doubt,” she said with a laugh. “You should give Dad a chance. At least talk to him. He has some exciting things in the works.”

“I guess it never hurts to listen. But why am I sitting here with a beautiful woman talking business?”

Nicki glanced toward the lobby again. “Here’s a personal question. Are you and Elle a couple?”