Finally, she’d asked the question Logan had been waiting for. He pretended to choke on his drink. “Hell no. It’s a long story.”

“I’ve got time.”

Logan played it slow, making her wait. “Sounds a little goofy, but we’re contest winners. It’s a monthly thing here at the resort. People write an essay about why they’d like to meet someone new. The best two entries win an all-expense-paid vacation.” Nicki’s jaw dropped. “Before you judge me, I didn’t enter. My mother, who thinks it’s a crime that I haven’t presented her with grandchildren, entered my name. I protested at first but then thought, why not?”

Her lips thinned. “You and Elle seemed to hit it off.”

“Well, she is beautiful. I thought this might turn into a party weekend. I probably shouldn’t have told her about my B and B chain. Should have kept that to myself.”

“I’ll just bet her little ears perked up hearing that.” Nicki bared her teeth in a snarl.

“I noticed a distinct change in her demeanor.”

“Money can be a burden.” Nicki’s shoulders relaxed. “There’s something about her that makes me uncomfortable.”

“She’s okay. I figure everyone has an angle. Hers is finding a rich husband.”

Brandon Ethridge stepped into the bar as if right on cue.

“May I join you?” Even as he asked, he was dragging a chair out.

“Of course.” Logan shook Brandon’s hand.

“We were just talking about you,” Nicki said.

“That’s true,” Logan agreed.

“Logan’s thinking about selling some stock. I volunteered your advice,” she said.

“Did you now?” Brandon ordered a whiskey sour. “You two ready for a refill?”

“Nothing for me, thanks.” Logan had already turned away three offers for more alcohol from Nicki. He wasn’t falling for that.

“If you gentlemen will excuse me, I have a call to make.” Nicki stood. She affectionately rubbed Logan’s shoulders. “I won’t be long.” She kissed Brandon’s cheek, then left.

“You’ll have to forgive Nicki. She’s always bragging about my accomplishments through my investment firm.”

“You must be very proud of her,” Logan said.

“For sure.” His face flushed, but he recovered quickly by coughing a couple of times. “Now, if you’re selling, I assume you already have a safe place to invest the money.”

“Not really. My dad usually handles my investments. He’s made a few bad calls, so I’m guiding the ship for now.” Logan took a sip of his beer. He’d dropped the bait. Now to wait and see if Brandon bit.

“There’s an investment on the horizon that could be just what you’re looking for. I have a client who is looking to put together a chain of destination hotels or resorts. I’m thinking he’d be interested in adding your B and Bs.”

“None of my properties are for sale.” Logan pushed his chair back as if he intended to leave.

“He’s also looking for a few select investors. Think about keeping your B and Bs and being part owner of a chain of resorts.” Brandon’s words were as practiced and smooth as the snake oil salesmen were back in the Old West. “Let’s have dinner tonight. I’ll bring you a packet with all the details and financials.”

Logan pretended to think it over. “Let me check with Elle. I’m sure she’ll want to join us.”

An odd expression flashed across Brandon’s face. Did he not want her to come? He hadn’t heard Logan’s conversation about Elle with Nicki. Not unless she’d been wearing a wire.

“Of course, I’ll make reservations for four and hope you join us.” The look had vanished as fast as it had formed, leaving Brandon with a forced smile. “Normally, I wouldn’t consider making this offer to a stranger, but I trust Nicki’s instincts. If she thinks I should give you the opportunity to double your money, then I’m game.”

“I’m sure we’ll see you, say, around seven?” This time Logan did stand. He sho

ok Brandon’s hand. “I’ll listen to your proposition, but I’ll have to know a lot more before I commit. Truthfully, it sounds too good to be true.”