“Good morning, Mrs. Johnson.”

Melodie looked up from pulling weeds and came face-to-face with a tall young man. He was shirtless and glistening with sweat, his eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses.

“Uh, hello there.” She smiled and stood up, wiping her hands on her shorts. The guy looked vaguely familiar, but it was hard to tell. The only clue was that he was standing in the next-door-neighbor’s yard.

His smile widened and he rubbed the back of his neck in a bashful, boyish way that was so cute she could hardly stand it. She caught sight of her reflection in his glasses—her bikini top was a bit too small, and she could see the swell of her tits exploding out the sides. By the way his head cocked to the side, she knew the boy could see it, too.

“You don’t remember me.” He leaned against the fence, his muscular arms twitching as he held out his hand for her to shake. “I’m Rod. Rod Jenkins.” He hitched his thumb at the big house behind him.

“Oh! Rod Jenkins,” she gasped as she shook his strong, calloused hand. Her cheeks flushed bright red. “Oh, I’m so embarrassed. It’s just that, well, it’s been so long since you’ve been home. I didn’t recognize you. You’ve really grown up.”

The boy had grown into a hot young man. His puppy fat was nearly gone, and his jaw had become firm and chiseled. The smell of warm skin and soap hung around him like a hot cloud… along with something else. A potent, primal smell that made her whole body tingle all over. Pheromones or something.

“Yeah?” He smiled as he let go of her hand. His fingers trailed against her palm. “Well, I recognized you right away. You haven’t changed a bit. Well, except maybe to get even prettier.”

“Rod.” She rolled her eyes and threw a flirtatious glance at the grinning boy as she stepped closer and leaned against the fence. From his angle, she knew he could look right down her cleavage. And he did. “Tell me, what are you doing back home? I thought you’d be playing ball for the big leagues by now.”

He laughed and stood up tall. He really was magnificent. Young and taut and full of cum, she knew. Melodie knew he’d take the image of her in her tiny bikini home and get himself off with it. It sent a thrill through her imagining it.

“I’m headed back to training camp in a few weeks, I’m just taking a break to visit with my folks.” His sunglasses slipped down, showing his warm brown eyes. “And my neighbors.”

Melodie laughed and turned to leave, throwing a glance at the boy one last time. She wanted to stay, but she could feel the milk in her tits shifting and flowing out. If she didn’t get inside and get the pump latched on, it’d drip out all over her flat, tanned belly, which is not how she wanted him to remember her.

“Well, it was good seeing you. I hope you won’t be a stranger, Roddy.”

He laughed. “Roddy. No one’s called me that in years. It was good seeing you, Mrs. Johnson.”

She felt his eyes on her as she walked up the back deck, swaying her ass. She looked over her shoulder one last time and waved just as a little dollop of milk escaped her nipple and soaked into her bikini top.

“It’s Melodie, Rod. Call me Melodie.”


Melodie woke early the next day and immediately had to pump. The milk was straining against her nipples, making her already huge breasts balloon out. Even the slightest touch of her t-shirt made her nipples ache and tingle. It was torture.

She moved to the chair by the window and sat down with the pump. It was only mid-morning, but it was already hot out. She could see heat waves rippling across the street despite the shade trees. I’ll take a dip later, she thought idly as she glanced at the turquoise water of her pool. After I pump.

Her breasts tumbled free from her top when she lifted it. She couldn’t believe how big they were, and how hot her skin felt. It burned like a furnace. Her nipples, which had always been small and pert with soft, puffy areolae, were all long and hard and deep, dark red. The areolae were stretched as wide as her palm, and they were textured with little nubs.

She pressed her fingers around her nipple, forcing it even further out so the pump could latch on. It sounds weird, but her pussy was all wet with anticipation. She loved the tugging, drawing sensation of the pump, although she hated the little plastic cup.

“Oh gosh!” she gasped as the pump caught her nipple and pulled it deep inside. She sank into her chair and let herself slide into the current of pleasure coursing through her body. “Oh, that’s good…”

Her eyes fluttered open and she gazed out the window at the leafy green neighborhood. Movement caught her eye; it was Rod—little Roddy—pushing the mower across his parent’s yard. She couldn’t believe how handsome and grownup he was. He looked like a man, not a nineteen-year-old boy. His back flexed as he muscled the mower through the shaggy grass, the sinews coiling and tensing beneath his bronzed skin.

“Rod.” She whispered his name as the milk flowed from her like hot lava, filling the pump’s reservoir with little creamy gushes. “Nurse me… that’s it. Good boy.”

She held the image of him in her mind, and transformed it. He was kneeling on the floor in front of her, burying his face in her huge, milky tits, sucking her sensitive nipples until she shuddered. The pressure in her pussy was incredible—she felt all congested and full inside. Hot and wet and ready.

“That’s it… keep going, baby.” She mouthed the words in the quiet nursery as she pumped herself. She slipped her hand inside her little cotton shorts, pressing and kneading her pussy as the pump drained her. Her fingers slipped and slid in her juices as she worked her clit. “That’s it… yes!”

She came suddenly, her toes curling and her eyes clenching shut as pleasure washed over her like warm ocean waves. The last of her milk came out with the force of her orgasm, filling the pump to the brim. She leaned back in her chair to catch her breath, and saw Rod standing alone in the yard staring up at the window where she was sitting.

Can he see me? she thought with a sudden pang of panic. I guess it was possible to see in, if you knew where to look, but she thought the leafy tree outside shielded her. Her heart pounded like crazy as she stared down at the fit young man. There’s no way he can see me, she told herself…

Then he raised his hand and waved, a lop-sided smile cocking his gorgeous lips. She forced a smile onto her face and raised her hand, waving back.


He knocked on her door the next day. Melodie rushed to the door, pulling her sarong tight around her body. Her hands shook as she turned the lock. There he stood, all six feet of him. Shirtless. Smiling.

“Hey, Mrs.—Melodie,” he laughed as he corrected himself at the last minute. “I, uh, was wondering if I could take a dip in your pool. I hope you don’t think I’m being presumptuous. It just looks too tempting not to ask.”

He laughed again and leaned against the doorjamb. Melodie’s mind went blank as she stared at him. She was just about to get into the pool, and she became suddenly acutely aware of how her bikini didn’t quite cover her tits. The boy’s eyes slid over her assets like fi

ngertips. She shivered.

“Well, of course, Roddy. You don’t need to ask. What’s mine is yours.”

She blushed and bit her lip as she looked at him. The memory of the previous day, of him seeing her pumping her engorged breasts through the window, came back. He didn’t seem bothered by it, to the contrary. He seemed strangely intimate with her, the way he moved a little closer and let his body heat meld with hers. The smell coming off him was amazing. Primal and masculine, deeply arousing to the curvy new mommy.

“Great!” He smiled and stepped inside, kicking off his shoes. “Your house is really nice.”

“Thanks, Roddy.” She ushered him through the house and down the hall toward the back deck. “The maintenance is a beast to keep up without a man around.”

She glanced over her shoulder at Rod. He was a couple paces behind her, his eyes pinned to her curvy ass. She felt herself wriggling a little more, swaying her hips as she walked in front of him. She imagined him rushing up behind her and slipping his strong arms around her front, pulling her hard against his body, forcing this hard cock against her softness.

He nodded and made a sympathetic face. “I bet. It’s hard work. When I’m on campus, I’m in charge of maintenance at the frat house. You really never know all the things that can go wrong with a house until you’re responsible for taking care of one.”

“Exactly!” said Melodie. She looked at him, sizing him up. “I don’t suppose… well, I don’t suppose you’d be able to help me out around the house while you’re home? I’d appreciate it. And I’d pay you.”

She stepped to the edge of the pool and slipped off her sarong, letting it fall around her feet. After three babies and a few decades, her body wasn’t as taut as it once was, but she didn’t care. The soft, feminine lines of her form were gorgeous to her own eyes… and to the hot young guy staring at her. His silence startled her.

“What am I saying? You don’t want to work on your summer break.” She laughed and looked away, embarrassed. “Forget about it.”

“No, no I’d be happy to. It’s just that… well, you’re really pretty, Mrs. Johnson.” He shook his head softly. “I’m sorry for staring.”