Her heart melted at his bashfulness. This strapping guy, this football player, was totally taken aback by seeing her half-naked in front of him. It was so sweet, she felt her nipples start to tingle and she wanted nothing more than to pull him close and nurse him while she stroked his hard cock.

“Thanks, Rod. That’s such a sweet thing to say.” She smiled and dipped her toe in the water. “You’re pretty easy on the eyes, yourself.”

A brilliant white smile flashed across his face as he threw himself into the water and surfaced with dripping hair. The water beaded on his chest and strong shoulders, making her mouth water. She wanted to run her mouth all over his body, kissing and licking and biting him until he was begging to fuck her.

“How’s the water?” she asked as she lowered herself in, inch by inch. Her body felt so hot and flushed, she couldn’t wait to cool off.

The boy swam over to her and looked up into her face. Suddenly, like a lion pouncing, he grabbed her around the waist and tossed her into the water like a ragdoll.

“Oh my goodness!” Melodie gasped as she surfaced. The water was cool and refreshing after being in the hot midday air. She laughed and splashed a handful of water at the laughing boy. “I can’t believe you!”

“You were taking too long.” He floated over onto his back, and she saw the unmistakable bulge between his legs. The coiling cock straining against his swim trunks. “I was lonely.”

She laughed and swam to the center of the pool where she could tread water. “Well, here I am.”

“There you are.”

They swam for the better part of an hour, talking and touching occasionally until Melodie was squirming with desire for the young man. He was a flirt. A hot, strong young body orbiting her like a moon. Every time he came close to her, she felt the magnetic pull of his body on her nipples. They ached for his mouth and his strong hands. Eventually, it became too much. She saw a spurt of milk come out and marble the water.

“Oh my goodness,” she murmured as she climbed from the pool. “I—I have to go inside and take care of something, Rod. Stay as long as you want.”

“Wait—” He called out, but she was already inside, dripping water all over the hardwood floors.

She dashed upstairs toward the empty nursery and stripped off her sopping wet bikini, tossing it in the bathtub as she wrapped herself in a towel and settled into the rocking chair.

Milk was trickling faster and faster from her nipples, making a terrible mess. She let out a groan as the pump latched on and started to draw the milk out in torrents. The other nipple dripped and dripped in anticipation. She wiped away the milk, and soon the towel was saturated.

Melodie’s eyes clenched shut as the sensation of the pump lit her nerves on fire. Her hips started to rock as she kneaded the soft mounds of flesh and tweaked her other nipple. Each such of the pump made her clit throb with want… she slipped her hand down and toyed with her soft, nearly hairless pussy, urging herself toward the edge.

“Mrs. Johnson.” Rod’s voice broke through the veil of pleasure hanging over her. He was standing in the doorway, watching her. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Melodie glanced down at her overflowing breasts, at the huge mounds shooting off her chest like overripe melons. They splayed out and hung heavy with milk. The skin was marbled with faint blue veins, revealing the heavy load inside. She should have covered up, should have turned away from the boy staring at her openly with his lips parted and wet… but she didn’t.

“You’re not interrupting, Roddy.” Her voice was soft as powder, warm and inviting. She pulled the pump free, leaving her nipple dripping all over her naked thighs. The towel fell away, showing her naked body. Her soft belly and smooth skin. She filled her hands with her breasts, lifting and squeezing them as she looked at him. “Come in.”

“I shouldn’t.” His voice was a hot whisper, barely audible above the hum of the ceiling fan. He turned as if to leave, then looked back.

Melodie’s eyes traveled up and down his strong young body, landing on the obvious erection tenting his swim trunks. Seeing it made her pussy throb even harder. She wanted him more than anything.

“You should. And you will.” She toyed with her nipples, running her finger around and around them. The boy licked his lips, his muscles coiling with tension. “Come. Aren’t you curious? I saw you watching me yesterday.”

“I didn’t see anything. I—,” his voice cut off when Melodie clamped her fingers against her tit, forcing out a gush of milk. It rained down all over the hardwood floor. “Oh my gosh.”

“I have so much milk, Roddy. Be a sweet boy… come help me.” She squeezed her tits together as she stared at him, tempting him. The jiggled gorgeously when she lifted and dropped them, swaying slightly before coming to rest. He licked his lips.

“Help you…”

“Help me. You said you’d help me around the house. Well…”

He moved closer. He was so close, she could smell his musk. He smelled so young and fresh, but so masculine. She slipped her hand into his and led him around, pulling him down on the ground in front of her. Her legs parted for him, and he filled the space between without question.

“I’ve never seen breasts like yours before. They’re so big.” He gasped as he looked up into her eyes. His face was framed by the big, engorged mounds. They way he licked his lips as he looked up into her face drove her wild. He was aching to suck them, to fill his hot mouth with her long, red nipples.

“That’s what happens when a woman becomes a mommy.” She palmed her tits again, rubbing them, arching her back, moaning gently as he watched her. “They get all big and milky and sensitive.” She pushed them together and strummed her fingers over her nipples.

“Sensitive? Like they hurt?”

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