Oh. My whole body shivered when he did it. I didn't want to walk away from him at all. But I wasn't going to let him know that!

"Get your goddam hand off me," I said. And then I threw the word at him like an insult: "Daddy."

But he didn't let go. He pulled me over to the bed. I nearly stumbled and fell down.

He pulled me in front of him. Then he pushed me over. I fell onto the bed.

"I thought you wanted me to pop your cherry," he said calmly.

"Fuck you!" I said.

"Exactly." He said.

It was true. I wanted to fuck him. My pussy was so wet at this point. I didn't know how much longer I could pretend.

Then, he moved down. He put hands on both of my arms. He held me down.

"Look at me!" He said.

I did. Oh, God, I did. His eyes were on fire! And dammit, I'd never seen a fire like that!

"You want me to fuck you, admit it!" He said.

I bit my tongue.

He held me down a moment longer. Then suddenly he let go. He stood up. He looked aside.

"Get the fuck out of my room. Fucking tease!" He said.

I didn't move.

I should have gone. I should have run. I should have headed for the hills as far as I could get.

But that's not what I did. That's not what I did at all.

Instead I said this.

"I could do it."

Duke turned to look back at me. His eyes were so fierce. He terrified me.

"Do what?"

"Give you a baby." I said.

"Don't fuck with me," he said, calmly.

"I ain't fucking with you," I said.

"Once I start," he spat. "I ain't stopping. You better be goddam sure this is what you want."

I didn't pause for even a heartbeat.

"It is." I said. "Now fuck me!"

He didn't need any more than that. His hands were on me in an instant. And goddamit, he was savage.

The man was like some kind of animal. A force of nature. He grabbed me by the waste. He threw me farther onto the bed.