Maybe he'd divorce my mommy, give us a bunch of money, then we could be on our own again. Us against the world. Just like before.

Still. I kept looking at that bed. And those condom wrappers. I picked one up.

Jesus! It was a special item. These weren't condoms you could buy in the drugstore down the street. No, they were special order!

Reading the recommended cock dimensions on the label, I had to stop and swoon. These were specially made condoms for people with insanely sized dicks!

Duke's cock must have been like King Kong's.

I swallowed. All these fantasies started flickering through my head. I imagined Duke coming at me with that massive cock. Popping my cherry.

Yeah. If you're gonna pop the cherry you might as well do it in style!

And Duke was about as intense as they came. I bet he fucked like a real maniac. I suddenly started feeling a little wet.

Uh. I hated myself. But there it was. I wanted to fuck Duke Payton, my new daddy.

No wonder I hated him so much!

Well. He'd never find out. That was for sure. That was one thing I'd never give him to gloat over!

Still it couldn't hurt to fantasize about it. A little fantasy never hurt anyone. Around the room there were negligees thrown on the floor, here and there.

Yeah, they were all that cute stuff that mommy liked. But hadn't Mommy said that Duke'd been buying her some nastier shit than that!

I went to Mommy's drawers. I knew just where Mommy would put the stuff she'd never wear. And sure enough, there in the bottom drawer were some of the naughtiest negligees you could imagine!

One of them was a short nightie made of leather. It just called to me. It had that glossy look to it. I knew it wasn't Mommy's style. She'd never wear something like that. But I would!

What could it hurt. I slipped out of my tank top and short shorts. I slipped on the negligee. It felt good.

Wearing it made me feel even a little wetter between the legs.

I went to this huge mirror they had in the room. I struck my sexiest possible pose. Damn, I looked hot!


I said, "Come on over here with that massive cock of yours, Daddy, and pop my cherry."

"Is that what you want?"

I could have jumped sky high at that! It was Duke! He was home!

"Shit!" I said.

I was mortified. I was shaking. I wheeled around to face him. But I just couldn't raise my eyes to him.

"Who the hell are you to come sneaking up on me like that?" I said, looking at the floor.

"Sneaking up on you?" He said. "Pardon me, miss, but whose room are you in? Did you get lost?"

"Don't matter." I said.

Of course, I knew he was right. But now what?

I picked up my clothes. I began to storm out. I intended to brush against Duke's shoulder. But that's not what happened.

As I passed him he grabbed me by the arm. He held me with a vice-like grip.