I was about to kiss him. Then a light bulb in my head went off. Suddenly, I had a million thoughts.

The number one thought was this, Daddy was sexually attracted to me!

Of course he was!

It made perfect sense. I was his step-daughter. Not his natural born daughter.

But not only that, I looked just like my mother. She was the big love of his life. When she'd died, Daddy had been devastated.

Now that I was eighteen, I was just like her!

Oh, my God, I thought. That's why Daddy never gives me hugs!

He feels guilty about it. But why? After all, we weren't related by blood?

I was touched now by the thought of daddy's attraction!

But more than being touched, I realized something else. Between my legs I was tingling. I was excited. I felt titillated at the thought that Daddy must have wanted me!

And I knew exactly why he never let me kiss him on the lips. When he talked about a kiss setting off a guy, he was talking about himself!

Oh, Daddy dearest, is that all it takes for you? I thought. I hope so, because I'm about to go for it!

I leaned in for the usual peck. But this time, I planted a slow wet kiss on Daddy's cheek.

He absolutely froze. He became a complete statue!

I was so wicked then. But I couldn't help myself!

I licked upward, toward his ear. I blew on his earlobe. Then in a husky voice, I whispered into his ear.

"You're the one I want, Daddy. It's you."

And I was utterly serious.

"Don't do that, Jess," Daddy said weakly. "You don't know what you're asking for."

"Don't I?" I said huskily. "I want the animal to come out and play, Daddy. Show me the animal."

Daddy still maintained his control. But he could have easily stepped away. He didn't.

To tell the truth, I was feeling a little scared. Just how much of an animal was my daddy? And he was so big! I couldn't imagine how big his cock must have been.

"It's okay, Daddy." I said in a low voice. "I'm just like her, aren't I? Just like Mommy, and so you want me. We're not blood, Daddy, even if it feels that way. I want you to take me. Just the way you always took her!"

Daddy's breathing had become intense. His whole massive chest rose and fell. I could tell he was about to give in.

"Daddy," I said. "Please. I'm still a virgin. Who better to take me than you? Who else can I trust more? Please do this for me?"

I then took his earlobe between my lips. I slowly pulled those lips away. Then I licked downward toward his jaw. From there, my lips found Daddy's.

Then suddenly his powerful arms were on me, pulling me in toward him. He pressed down on my mouth with such force that it took me by surprise.

His tongue dove into my mouth. He was so strong! I was like putty in his hands.

Blood rushed to my head. It was happening. It was really happening. I'd done

it, I'd done it!