Then, Daddy pulled his mouth away from mine. He grabbed one of my wrists and held it so tight it hurt. His eyes smoldered as if he'd just taken a powerful drug.

"You don't know what you're unleashing." He said. "I'll give you one chance to stop this. One chance. Then I'm not stopping. I don't care how much you scream!"

When Daddy said this, it only made me want him more.

"I want you, Daddy, I want you!" I gasped.

"Then you'll have me!" He said grimacing.

His large burly arms slipped around me again. He straightened up, lifting me in his arms as he did so.

He was so massive and so strong. I felt like a rag doll in his hands. He swooped me up, so that he cradled me. He carried me out of the kitchen to the living room.

He set me down on the sofa. Then his huge body was on top of me. He was so heavy. He could have easily crushed me if he hadn't been careful.

His lips found mine again. Even as his tongue darted into my mouth, I could feel his hands on my blouse. He pulled it apart so that the buttons popped off and scattered.

His hands were then on my stomach then. Hot heavy hands sliding up my stomach to my breasts.

Like magic, his fingers quickly had my bra off. Then his massive hands went down and cupped my mounds. His fingers dug into them. It hurt!

How long had it been since he'd last had sex? Had Daddy actually lost control? It felt that way. Isn't this just what he'd warned me against?

Part of me began to panic. What had I unleashed? Maybe I should have listened?

But another part of me sighed in ecstasy. The area between my legs was getting wet!

Daddy's mouth moved down toward my neck. Then he actually bit me! Sure, it was a small tender bite, but dammit, he actually bit me!

I felt like a piece of raw meat thrown to a Rottweiler. Daddy was going to devour me!

It had been so long for him. What if he really did lose control? What if he actually took a bite out of my flesh? Did he even realize what he was doing?

I shook in terror. What's crazier, is this only made me more stimulated and excited. It was as if the fear fed my lust!

The more frightened I became, the more I wanted to fuck.

Then, when I realized Daddy wasn't actually biting hard enough to genuinely harm me, I shocked myself.

I blurted out, "rougher, Daddy, harder! Hurt me, I like it!"

What the fuck was I doing? I barely understood why I would say this!

It was clear Daddy was already fighting for control of himself. The last thing he needed was me encouraging him to lose control.

Daddy's teeth moved toward my breasts. They bit into me their hardest yet. I couldn't even be sure they hadn't broken my skin all the way through.

My whole chest heaved. His mouth moved ravenously across one of my mounds. Had I taken on more than I could handle?

I was sure Daddy was turning into some kind of a cannibal. I was terrified he was going to take a real bite out of me!

But, goddamit that fear exhilarated me!

"Yes, Daddy, yes!" I screamed, despite how scared I was.

I realized soon that Daddy knew just how much pressure to apply with his teeth. I didn't think he was injuring me in any way that couldn't easily heal.

But as easy as that thought came to me, suddenly he pulled at one of my nipples with his teeth. He pulled it up and sucked!