Before he crossed the threshold, he waited, and she understood. She could feel him summoning his wolves and wasn’t surprised when those working security outside began to arrive to form a brigade behind them. When the doors opened, her gaze ran the length of the long entrance all the way to the distant open back doors and the starlight beyond.

Wolves kept arriving at this massive, central part of the compound, several hundred in all.

The Caldion Pack.

The wolves formed two lines on either side with a solemn, respectful attitude prevailing.

She heard more movement behind them. She glanced to the left then the right. Dozens more pack wolves, who lived in dwellings outside the compound, had answered the call as well.

Because of her bond with Warren, she knew the moment every member of the pack had arrived. It was as though her soul had been counting each Caldion member until the last wolf had finally made his way to the gathering.

A soft howling rose from the entire pack, something so melodious and beautiful, it brought tears to her eyes. The part of her that was wolf lifted her chin as though preparing to howl as well. She would have, but this shared howl was for her and it was for Warren. She was being acknowledged as Warren’s alpha-mate.

She’d lived a solitary witch life in Elegance Territory since her arrival in Five Bridges. She had never thought she’d be with a man again. Their world had seemed too full of pain and destruction to allow for love.

Yet here she was and with so much more than a simple, insular relationship. Her bond wasn’t just with Warren but with the hundreds of wolves around her.

The howling of the wolves rushed over her like a gentle wind. She took several deep breaths to keep from sobbing. She didn’t want to miss a moment of the experience.

Warren took her hand then began to walk slowly forward. She moved with him and as she did, her gaze landed on each wolf in turn, to her right then to her left. Instinctively, she knew this initial eye-contact was important. The pack-bond grew even firmer as step-by-step she and Warren walked down the line.

After the initial greeting had concluded and the howls dissipated, Warren addressed his pack in his rich, resonant voice. The wolves had now gathered in the large, rear entertaining patio. Several of them stood on the nearby low wall or on the massive boulders scattered throughout the vicinity. The back of the property was lined with pine trees like the nearby forest.

Dawn was some time away and a breeze eased the July heat out of the desert.

He told his people about Glissane’s demise, even providing the details of what he and Kiara had achieved together. She knew how important this was so that the pack would value her even more.

When he was done, a cheer rose up that echoed into the night sky above. Kiara glanced up at him and saw that he was smiling.

Her heart felt full as she watched him. This was what she’d brought to his life. Warren smiled now, something he’d rarely done before the past few nights with her. It seemed like such a small, yet incredibly important thing, and she squeezed his hand. Since the cheering still rang through the air, he turned to look down at her and returned the pressure of her hand.

His voice filled her mind. Thank you, Kiara, for all you’ve brought to my world. I will never be able to express how grateful I am.

She smiled but shook her head. I didn’t know how alone I was until this moment. You and the Caldion Pack? I’m overwhelmed by how complete I feel, how truly happy I am right now.

He slid his free hand to the nape of her neck, then dipped down and kissed her.

The cheering rose higher still, which seemed to encourage Warren to pull her into his arms. When he deepened the kiss and despite that they had an audience, she slid her arms around his neck and returned his kiss in full.

~ ~ ~

Warren drew back reluctantly, though he kept his arm around Kiara’s waist. He realized he could have gone on kissing her forever. But his wolves needed this time with their new alpha female to pay their respects and homage, to get to know her, and to pledge their loyalty.

He patted the air with his hands and the pack grew quiet. “Those of you who have known Kiara for the past few months are already familiar with her dedication to Five Bridges. I will confirm now that she has run and operated a wolf refuge here in Savage, though cloaked behind necessary security spells of her own devising. Though I had no knowledge of her refuge until the past few days, she conducted her shelter with Chief Robert’s permission, for well over a year. A few of you, sworn to secrecy as you were, lived at the refuge and were rehabilitated by her excellent staff and you are now free to speak of it as you wish.

“Several nights ago, she single-handedly saved my wolf-ass and several of my fellow Border Patrol Officers. By using her invisibility shield, we were able to escape Julio’s attack on the station. Then, by working together, she and I joined forces and broke the bond between Julio and Glissane. But it was when we chose to bond tonight that she and I were able to destroy Glissane and put an end forever to his assault on Savage.”

He turned to meet her gaze for a moment and squeezed her waist. His love for her as well as his respect was boundless. He smiled then shifted his attention once more to his pack as he continued, “Kiara did all this without thought to her own contentment or safety. Though she is not a wolf, she has proven to possess the values we hold dear in Caldion, of sacrifice and service to the whole. I ask you to welcome Kiara into Caldion with the greatest force you can muster.”

Warren felt the pack join together as one body. A rumbling began in the earth as feet shifted about and wolves prepared to howl.

What erupted was like nothing he’d ever heard come from his pack before. If he’d had any doubts as to whether his pack would accept a witch as his alpha-mate, none remained.

A howling rose into the night air, full of resonance and breadth, like a wind roaring through the air. Nothing else could be heard. Hundreds of wolf voices sang the song of acceptance and devotion and he knew a depth of happiness he’d never thought to experience in his lifetime.

Tears streamed down Kiara’s face. Because of their bond, he knew she underst

ood how incredible this moment was. He would never forget this as long as he lived. He sensed Kiara felt the same way.