ane looked worried. “What is this? What are you doing?”

Warren spoke this time. “Our combined force and we’re sending it to you.”

Kiara felt the wave as though it came from the depths of the universe then pushed the storm in and out of her. She watched as the tornado caught Glissane up into the air, forty feet into the pine forest canopy. She rose with Warren to levitate opposite the wizard.

The storm spun Glissane in faster and faster circles. Warren kept his wave and storm power coming, she released it all through her body. Thunder rumbled, and lightning flashed in brilliant arcs all around the wizard.

Their combined storm seemed to reach into Glissane and draw his own power from his body. He could no longer battle their storm. He screamed and writhed in the air.

The lightning flashed in quicker bursts and the thunder became an ear-shattering series of booms.

Suddenly, Glissane’s body twisted. Even through the storm, Kiara heard a violent series of cracks and he fell limp. The wind continued to whirl and support him in the air, but even she could see the wizard was dead.

She and Warren began withdrawing their storm which allowed Glissane’s body to drift back to earth. Warren released his arms from around her, then took her hand. Together, they descended to the place where the wizard had landed.

When Kiara touched down, she had a hard time looking at Glissane. His spine and neck were twisted and broken in more than one place. His tongue was swollen in his mouth and protruded past his lips. His black eyes were open and had reverted to a light blue, the color they must have been before he started down his dark path.

A great evil had been removed from Savage.

She drew close to Warren and couldn’t stop the tears that coursed down her cheeks. She wasn’t weeping for the man dead on the ground. She wept for those he’d hurt and those who had died because of his evil nature.

“He’s gone.” Warren’s voice was a whisper against her ear. “You’re safe.”

She squeezed his arm. “As are you.”

“I’m going to call and let Fergus know what’s happened as well as Alessandro. I’ll have some of my wolves take care of this.”

Nothing more was said between them during the removal process.

Both Fergus and Alessandro arrived to see to Glissane. Fergus told Warren he would make sure the wizard’s body was taken to the morgue. For all the suffering Glissane had caused, Fergus wanted to see the body cremated himself so there could be no fear of his return. The wizard had proved so secretive that Fergus wanted proof. They all did.

Kiara was glad of it. Mostly, there ought to be an eye-witness. The packs of Savage wouldn’t be at ease otherwise, something she understood extremely well. The dark witches and wizards of Elegance could easily fake their own deaths.

Once assured of his demise, Kiara had no doubt there would be massive celebration throughout the territory.

For now, as Warren flew her back to her refuge, she wanted only to be with him.

Once inside, she assured her staff she was well. She explained what had happened and that Glissane was dead.

The wolves howled their joy at the news.

She relayed of course what had happened earlier in her grotto. Her staff assured her they would take care of the water damage and not to worry.

They could easily see that she and Warren had bonded, so she didn’t need to explain why she intended to return to Caldion with him.

To his pack.

And now hers.

And a new life in Savage as an alpha’s bonded mate.

Warren remained close to her while she packed up a few things to take to the compound.

Neither spoke.

She was happy to be leaving the grotto and the recent difficult memories. At some point, she would need to employ a spell to purify the space. But that was for a later time.

When he flew her back to his compound, he landed her on the broad front entrance. He set her on her feet then took her hand as together they faced the closed front doors.