He made an instant decision, but spoke aloud. “You’re right.” When she stretched out her hand, he took it then turned to Ralph. “Kiara and I are going back out there to see about survivors.”

Ralph scowled. “It’s too dangerous.”

Warren used his dominance voice. “Open the door. Now.”

Ralph blinked once then shot around them both. He slammed the bar down that would allow the door to slide free. As it opened, Kiara gripped Warren’s hand hard and offered one word of warning. Relax, Handsome.

He tried, but he was too revved up with what they were about to do. Again, he ended up with that horrible cramped feeling like all his bones were being pushed through a sieve. Still, he kept his pain to himself.

Once inside the shield then out of the safe room, he used telepathy and contacted Ralph. Can you see us at all?


Good. Now shut the door until you hear from Fergus or me.

The steel door slid home once more.

Still holding Kiara’s hand though levitating, he led her into what was left of Ralph’s office. A large hole and plenty of starlight was visible behind a bunch of smoking debris.

He used his phone to contact Fergus. “We’re outside the safe room. Do you have control of the alley?”


“See the hole?”


“Ralph and the wolves are ten feet west from there. Call him then get them out of there. Kiara and I are going after the woman.”

“You’ve got it.”

Warren moved swiftly now as he levitated above the debris then flew across to the service entrance. From there, he and Kiara whipped to the left and entered the hall next to the long row of dressing rooms. He ignored the many bloody bodies along the way. He found the dressing room across from the stage. The door was ajar. He followed Kiara inside.

He could now hear Julio’s men laughing as they moved back through the front door.

Warren, there’s someone behind the screen. It was an old-fashioned privacy screen.

Kiara moved quickly then drew the screen back, but not far enough for Warren to see.

She gasped. It’s Susie. She’s alive. She’s holding a dead woman in her arms, but she’s rocking and weeping.

The dressing room was small and the angle was bad. He lifted the screen out of the way. It was just as Kiara had said. Let’s get her and go.

We’ll have to leave the cloak.

Let’s do it. He forced himself to relax. If he made one sound, he’d bring Julio’s men back here.

But he was getting better and a split-second later he and Kiara were out of the shield.

Kiara spoke to Susie quietly. “We’ve got about ten seconds to get you out of here. Ralph and some of the wolves are safe.”

But Susie only stared at her blankly.

“To hell with this.” He eased the dead wolf from Susie’s arms. Susie was in a half-shift and shaking with pain but she was silent. He picked her up, her body arched and she passed out.

Kiara drew all three of them into the cloak.

With whatever bizarre warlock abilities were emerging in him, Warren knew he had to stay physically connected to Kiara. Something about a disconnect would allow the wizard to know where they were. He used telepathy. You’ve got to hold onto me once we’re in motion.