I know. If the wizard is in the vicinity, he’d be able to see us.

With Susie in his arms, he said, Hop onto my back and I’ll get us out of here.

When he turned away from her, he felt her levitate then plaster herself against him. She slid her arms around his neck. I’m ready.

He levitated and left the dressing room.

Once in the hall, he watched Julio’s men arrive and start searching the narrow backstage area toward the top of the passage. It was clear they couldn’t see him.

Secure that they were hidden from view, Warren turned the other direction toward the back entrance then flew in a swift line toward the blown-out part of the building.

Kiara held on tight.

When he reached the place where Ralph’s office used to exist, he slowed briefly. Fergus was already there shepherding Ralph and the wolves up and over the smoking debris. None of the women hesitated. There was nothing but a hole in the wall where the service door used to be. Fergus’s disciplined troops moved with stealth and speed.

By the time Warren headed out into the night, the last of the women was in the air as well, each carried by a Gordion wolf.

Kiara, we’re going straight up. Stay on my back. It’s still the best way for us to stick close.

I’m with you.

Satisfied she was secure, he then flew up into the night sky.

Once above the Strip, he banked north and flew straight for the forest.

How’s Susie? she asked.

Still passed out.

Oh, that’s good. I’m glad. A faint green glimmer in the air, however, drew a sharp breath from Kiara. Warren, do you see that?

I do. But what the hell am I looking at?

It’s the wizard. The green iridescence is his signature.

Because they were on a collision course, Warren changed his trajectory and whipped above him. Did he see us? he asked.

I don’t think so. I’m convinced our connection prevents it, but I have no idea how or why.


You can say that again.

It took Warren only a matter of seconds to locate the refuge. What surprised him, was that he knew where it was. Only as he made his descent, did it occur to Kiara as well. You can see my place?

No. But I can sense it. Again, to his surprise, he passed easily through the spelled barrier and saw the small house come into view. He dropped down to the front porch.

Kiara released him and whipped around to stand in front of him, her gaze fixed to Susie. She removed her satchel at the same time then withdrew the water bottle. “Let’s do this here. Is she still alive?”

“Yes, very much so.”

“While she’s unconscious, let’s leave the cloak.”

“Good thinking.”

She didn’t remind him to relax this time, but

he was ready. This time, he decided to put himself in a meditative state and the next moment he and Kiara slipped out of the invisible state. No pain. He’d finally figured it out.