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Fergus had been talking things over with Warren while making use of telepathy half the time. Warren had asked if Fergus intended to attempt an alpha-mate bond with Mary. His response of ‘we seem to be headed that way’ had left him feeling unsettled.

How could a fae woman possibly serve his pack and provide the profound level of communal bonding even his most powerful female wolves couldn’t achieve?

The whole situation made no sense. But then it hadn’t from the beginning, from the time he’d first held Mary in his arms and had howled like he’d discovered air for the first time.

While talking to Warren, telepathically or aloud, the whole time he’d sensed something was going on with Mary. The part of him growing in fae powers knew she was distressed, but he didn’t know by what. He’d glanced at her several times and had felt a series of emotional shocks hit her, but he didn’t know their content or source.

Now he flew with her slowly in a southeasterly direction while she worked her levitation sea-legs.

“You’re flying beautifully,” he said.

“I can go faster if you need me to, but I’m entranced by the way the forest looks below us. All these pines. Who would have t

hought they could grow in the desert.”

“Reclaimed water has made it possible.” He flew a little faster, adding, “We’re almost there. I’ll guide you in.”

He slowly dropped down to the narrow opening in the trees. He sensed that someone had been in his home and he would have drawn his Glock, but the fae part of him could tell he wasn’t in danger. Focusing his attention on the cabin, he soon realized that several women of his pack had gone in to tidy up. He could also smell a fresh-baked apple pie with tons of cinnamon. His mouth watered.

He levitated straight down in front of the stone path.

He watched Mary glide in and land easily next to him. Her face was glowing and she grinned as she held her hands wide and said, “Tah-dah!”

He laughed. “You did great.”

She smiled. “Thanks.”

As he walked her up the path, she asked, “Not that I’m complaining, but I thought we’d be heading to the Gordion Compound.”

“I have to get rid of Sydon first. The fact is, I won’t be able to stay there until the dominance battle has taken place and that won’t be until tomorrow night. It’s pack law.”

“I didn’t know.” She glanced up at the steeply pitched roofline of the cabin. “I’m glad we’re here, then.”

“Me, too. It seems like a better transition for you and me, for whatever is going on between us.”

“I think you’re right.”

He released her and pushed the front door open. This had been his first home with Sharon, the place given to them by the Gordion Pack when they’d first moved to Savage Territory as new wolves.

As he entered the house, an entire host of memories rushed at him, beginning with what it had been like to realize that his human life had come to an end and he could never go back. His life had been the Sedona resort they’d built together, now it was gone. Later, there’d been a time of growing acceptance and an exploration of powers. He remembered being stunned by what he’d become and all that he possessed as a wolf.

He’d learned early on that he had alpha potential and the next few years had been a long yet exciting climb up the rungs of pack life. He fought a series of dominance fights that he could still remember as one of the best string of events he’d ever experienced.

What he hadn’t expected was the night he fought the alpha for the position as top wolf. He’d expected to be more torn up about unseating the man, but he soon realized that the true alpha accepted dominance as a way of life. He suspected one day he’d be supplanted as well.

A sense of sadness returned as he recalled how the alpha, Mark, had been killed in one of the ensuing violent outbreaks in Savage. He’d died honorably while protecting several Gordion female wolves from another pack’s onslaught.

Sydon’s attempt to become alpha of the Gordion Pack, however, had been a different matter. He’d challenged Fergus as an outsider. It wasn’t unheard of and the Savage Pack Council had ruled that dominance was dominance. Anyone could demand a dominance fight with an alpha.

Fergus had known for a long time that Sydon wanted the Gordion Pack. He hadn’t been surprised at all when the official challenge came through, signed by Dean himself. But the last thing he’d expected was a skewer into his heart in the middle of the fight.

Now he was here, with Mary, and Sydon was in a dungeon cell, a bullet in his thigh.

Once inside the living room, Mary turned in a circle. “This must have seemed so small to you. I mean, you’re a big man.”

“True, but I joined the Savage Border Patrol soon after landing here. I didn’t spend much time indoors except to sleep.”