Because you cheated on him.

Sharon’s ghost-mist floated around unevenly as she nodded. I did, more than once. But the last time was with one of the worst men in Savage, the same man that killed me.

Before Mary even asked the question, she knew the answer. Holy shit, you were with Sydon and he killed you during sex.

How do you know it was during sex?

Mary pursed her lips. When you were murdered, the details were all over the web, that your neck had been ravaged by wolf teeth and broken in what I have no doubt was a hard, killing shake. He had you from behind, didn’t he?

Yes, but it was more rape than consensual. Sharon huffed a sigh. A broken neck ended my consciousness with a gray-white explosion through my head. I was dead before I could even form the thought, ‘oh, the bastard is killing me’.

I remained by my body for a long time, staring down at my glassy eyes. Sydon rose up over me, smiling. I didn’t understand why he would have done this to me until I realized he’d planned this from the beginning. Getting rid of an alpha-mate opens a pack up to takeover. A pack is strongest when a woman’s energy aligns with her wolf. Loyalty doesn’t just double within the community, it becomes an exponential increase and a solid layer of protection for all the wolves. I know I brought that to the Gordion pack, even if I was ill-suited to the role.

Sharon’s face wrinkled up. Mist trailed down her cheeks like tears.

Mary considered her for a long moment, all that she’d lost when she’d become an alter wolf and that she’d never taken to Savage. You should know something. Fergus has never said an unkind word about you.

That’s just him. His code of honor.

Mary shifted on her feet. She could hear Warren and Fergus conversing, but her attention remained fixed on Sharon. What if I don’t want this? Being here in Savage, I mean?

Sharon laughed. You’re already in so deep, you don’t even know it. You’re holding an alpha’s hand. Do you have any idea how significant that is?

Mary sighed. Well, it doesn’t have to be permanent. Neither of us thinks it can be.

Like hell. But your relationship isn’t even the biggest problem here. There’s some impediment to Fergus bonding with another woman. Several of his female wolves have tried and failed and each had alpha-mate potential. You may not be able to forge a real wolf-bond with Fergus even if you wanted to.

Then, what’s the point of all this?

I know this may be hard to hear, and I don’t have all the answers, but the survival of the Gordion Pack will one day hinge on you and your role in Fergus’s life.

But why is this on me?

How the hell should I know? I’m just here relaying information. I think what it boils down to is that the path isn’t clear, only the objective. So stick close to him, keep him alive, and if you can do it, forge the damn bond. But now I have to go. My supervisor seems displeased with my attitude.

Mary felt Sharon vanish. She was relieved. Sharon seemed to be dumping an awful lot of responsibility on Mary’s shoulders. Worse still, every fae instinct in her body told her that Sharon was right. For reasons she still didn’t understand, everything that was happening right now was a serious turning point for Savage Territory. Sydon wasn’t finished with his bid for a takeover.

The Gordion Pack needed a bonded alpha. Even she had felt the desperate lack of it while in Fergus’s compound. Which meant that all this time, Fergus had born the weight of the leadership alone.

Yet Sharon seemed to think Fergus might never be able to complete the necessary bond. And if a real wolf couldn’t bond with Fergus, then there was no way she could. Not that she even wanted to.

Her frustration mounted all over again, about being drawn into a situation that seemed so juxtaposed to her life as a fae woman.

“Are you okay?” Fergus’s wonderful resonant voice pulled her out of her reverie.

She turned and lifted her gaze to meet his. And there it was, the profound attraction she felt for him. “Just thinking about some things.”

“Are you ready to go?”

“I am.” Was she ready for everything else her relationship with Fergus appeared to be demanding, she had no idea.

He released her hand but slid his arm around her waist and led her closer to Warren. He spoke quietly. “Mary and I are still headed to my cabin. You can reach me through my cell or telepathically anytime you want.”

“Good deal. And I’ll be sending a security team to guard the property through the rest of the night.”

Fergus dipped his chin to Warren, then turned toward Mary. He held his arm wide, a signal he was ready to fly her to their destination. But she looked down at her own feet and lifted off, rising a foot, then two. Fergus tracked with her, sticking close.

When she was well above the compound, she switched to telepathy. Lead the way and in case you didn’t know it, I love levitation.