“The moment you spoke into my head, I knew you’d drawn close and I could feel you in the dreamglide. But where did he get the spell?”

“Someone must have given it to him, one of his wolves, maybe?”

“That had to be it. He must have been planning this since I shot him in the thigh and jailed him in the dungeon cell. I’m convinced the whole time he was there he was communicating telepathically with his rogue wolves, setting this up. Still, I can’t believe he brought a dark witch’s spell into a dominance match, although since the skewer incident, I shouldn’t be surprised.”

He glanced around and saw that most of Warren’s pack had already left the arena. With the exception of Warren’s close-knit security force, only the Gordion wolves remained. He asked Warren to get him over to the seats so he could sit down.

Once there, not far from his platform, he sat down on a stone bench and sent his self-healing into his bloodstream where the remnants of the spell were still working on him. How strange his life had become as an alter species, that he could feel the dark witch spell trying to cause more damage.

A wolf came near and put Fergus’s amber cloak around his shoulders.

Mary sat down beside him. He slid his arm around her and pulled her close. Her presence comforted him, but not because she’d yet again

saved his life. It was just her, the goodness of her soul, her kindness.

He checked his self-healing and felt the last of the potion leave his body. “It’s gone.”

“Thank God.”

He kissed the top of her head and affection swelled his heart. “Thank you,” he whispered.

She drew back enough to meet his gaze and smiled faintly in return. “You’re very welcome.”

At that, he kissed her, though afterward, he heard a soft howling move through the arena.

Glancing up, he saw that the Gordion wolves were all moving in his direction and seemed to be responding to his relationship with Mary. He could also tell that the bond had already started to form. The pack was his again and with so much general good will, it wouldn’t take long.

Warren, standing nearby, patted him on his shoulder and said, “Congratulations. The pack is yours again.”

He wasn’t sure he’d heard better words in his life. Sydon’s brief but violent reign was over and the wave of appreciation that he felt from those Gordion wolves present, brought him to his feet once more.

A smattering of applause turned into a roll of thunder, one that made him smile. Slowly, his wolves drew close until they filled all the nearby aisles, then began to pass by him in a long procession. He took his time and greeted each one, accepting their love and well-wishes.

Mary and Warren moved in behind him as the pack continued to stream by. Within a few minutes, he felt fully restored and knew his pack was the reason.

As the arena emptied, he thanked Warren for his help.

Warren nodded, but his nostrils elongated and flared. “We have an enemy out there, and I don’t think he’s finished with us yet.”

“As long as Sydon has breath, he’ll keep trying for a takeover,” Fergus said. “Which means I need to return to my compound and you should get back to yours.”

He glanced past Warren and saw the green-trimmed black tanks of his security force, standing guard. Fergus nodded in their direction. “Your men are waiting for you.”

Warren held Fergus’s gaze and a crooked smile touched his lips. “Glad to have you back.”

“Thanks again, for everything.”

Warren dipped his chin a couple of times, then turned up the aisle and headed in the direction of his men. Fergus watched until Warren and his large contingent flew out the south entrance.

As for the Gordion wolves, Fergus’s lead wolves had formed an arc near him and several levitated in the air on either side of the aisle. The rest of his team stood all along the path at the top of the seats.

Harley was nearby.

Fergus stiffened slightly, remembering what Mary had said about him. He wanted to ignore her warning, but she’d just saved his life again. He had to take her concerns seriously even if they made no sense.

He wasn’t sure what to think, but for now he needed to give Harley the benefit of the doubt, if not for Harley’s sake, then for his own. Harley had been his right hand man for years now.

Fergus slowed his steps and contacted Mary telepathically. Do you see how beat up Harley is? He got that way battling Sydon’s men. I know for a fact he worked hard to save the wolf Sydon’s force tried to kill in the dungeon cell. I can’t believe he’s anything but loyal to me and to his pack.