That’s when she saw it. Sydon’s hand had slipped just inside his gray leather gladiator briefs. When he pulled his fingers back, he had something small pinched between his thumb and index finger.

She sniffed the air. Even in the dreamglide, she could catch odors and whatever Sydon had in his possession smelled like something the dark witches could create.

She knew then that Sydon had a potent, deadly spell between his fingers.

From the dreamglide, she shouted inside Fergus’s head, Sydon has a witch powder in his hand. Get away from him, now! Now! Move, now! If she could have pulled on his shoulders, she would have.

~ ~ ~

Fergus heard Mary’s words through the thrill of beating his opponent. But it took him a moment to register what she’d said.

Witch’s spell.


Move! Mary’s voice once more struck his head.

He flew backward just as Sydon released a blue powdery substance. Fergus had escaped immediate impact, but a vapor the color of cobalt kept moving in Fergus’s direction as though designed for him.

Holy hell! It was a witch’s concoction.

Time slowed down and as the powder began to reach Fergus, panic took hold of Sydon’s face. Sydon hadn’t thought he’d get caught, which meant that if Fergus hadn’t moved as he did, the powder-based spell would have made contact with his skin, and disappeared as it penetrated his body. The spell would have been undetectable.

The referee immediately shouted, “Foul! I can see the witch’s spell. This dominance battle is at an end!”

Fergus wanted to say something, to call for Sydon’s imprisonment, but he suddenly felt dizzy and sick as hell. As he dropped to his knees, he watched helplessly as Sydon and his wolves raced for the south exit.

The crowd howled its rage at what Sydon had attempted.

The referee again called out. “Because a witch’s spell has been cast here, I find in favor of Fergus, and reinstate him as alpha of the Gordion Pack.”

Fergus sensed Mary’s presence just before she put her arm around his shoulders and knelt beside him. His eyes rolled, he felt profoundly sick to his stomach. “I’m going to throw up.”

“Let it out. It’s poison.”

Fergus threw up all over the sand and what came out of him was dark blue, like the vapor he’d witnessed.

“We need water here,” Mary shouted. “Lots of it.”

Within a few seconds, he felt movement around him as others came to his aid. Mary thrust a bottle beneath his nose and commanded, “Drink as much as you can and drink it fast.”

With a profound thirst setting in, he guzzled. He went through the first bottle, then a second one before he started feeling a little better. He was still dizzy as hell, but worked to gain his feet anyway.

Warren was right there beside him and caught him around his waist, holding him upright. Mary was on his other side, took the empty bottle from his hand and shoved a third one at him. He drank some more.

His head was spinning. The spell had been powerful and he knew if Sydon had put it anywhere on his skin he would have died within seconds with no one the wiser.

He leaned into Warren. “Get a witch over here to clean this up. Don’t let any of our wolves near the sand.”

He then heard Warren shouting commands to that effect.

Though Warren supported him, he wanted Mary close. “Stay next to me while I drink. I need you right now.” It was an odd thing to feel and to say. But she’d saved his life. Again.

Mary settled her hand on his shoulder and didn’t let go no matter how many times he lifted the same arm to drink.

Taking another swig, he then looked at her, frowning slightly. “What did you see? I mean, how did you know something was going to happen?”

Mary nodded as tears started to her eyes. “I experienced a terrible feeling of dread that became focused on Sydon.” She explained how she’d positioned the dreamglide close to their battling bodies and had watched Sydon’s hand go to the waistband of his briefs. “I’m just glad you listened to me when I told you to get away from him.”