Page 58 of The Choice

“A-are you going to kiss me?” she finally whispered.

“When we’re alone.” He caressed her face with his warm palm. “But not now. It’s worth waiting and doing right.”

Then the last of the fireworks burst with a sweeping crescendo of music, and the moment passed.

It was time to head home.

Beck took her hand in his again and led her to his car. He wasn’t terribly happy when she asked him to drop her off at the mall where he’d picked her up, but thankfully he didn’t argue.

Today had truly been the best day of her life…so far. If she could believe him, the best might be yet to come.

The following Saturday evening, Beck pulled up to the art gallery, took a deep breath, and headed in to find Heavenly. Their date at Disneyland had been strictly vanilla, but she’d loved every minute—and he’d loved every one of her squeals and smiles.

Now that he knew they were compatible away from the hospital, he was anxious to test their chemistry on a much different level.

Tonight was make or break.

Unfortunately, it hadn’t started well. He’d planned to pick her up, wine and dine her while he asked her questions and dropped hints. Then together, they’d view the show. But she’d insisted on meeting him at the art gallery. Errands or some shit. Her promise to wait for him in the adjacent bar hadn’t eased his gnawing anxiety. If she’d already peeked at the exhibit…he’d have a lot of explaining to do.

Thankfully, he spied her sitting on a stool, as promised, her cascade of golden hair and feminine grace unmistakable. Black strappy sandals adorned her feet, now delicately crossed at the ankle. Visually, he caressed his way up her slender legs, settling long moments later on the sensual curve of her ass, hugged by a classic black sheath.

She was always beautiful, but tonight? Fuck me.

A hundred times Beck had asked himself if he should skip this risky experiment and simply get her alone. A hundred times he’d told himself no. This wasn’t about a quick lay; it would tell him what kind of future he and Heavenly might share. If tonight didn’t go as he hoped… Well, they could still be friends.

Fuck, that sounded horrible.

Easing closer, he stole a clandestine moment to inhale her sultry, hint-of-berry scent and fought the urge to bury his nose in her silky hair. “Why are you sitting alone, little girl? Did some jerk stand you up? Come with me instead. There are things I could show you…”

Heavenly turned, a smirk playing at her lips. “I can’t. I’m waiting for a handsome doctor. If I’m not where he asked me to meet him, I might be in trouble.”

Submissiveness and role play? Hell yes.

He motioned to the bartender to replace her water with a smooth, imported Sauvignon Blanc. Moments later, the man set a slender stem on a fresh napkin directly in front of her.

Beck paid and tried to cool himself with a swallow of beer. “Well, the doctor is one lucky son of a bitch. He’s also an idiot for making you wait. If I had the chance to spend the evening with such a gorgeous little girl, I wouldn’t leave you alone for a second.”

“Oh, he’s not late. I’m a bit early.” Heavenly leaned around him, scanning the room. “I expect him any minute.”

“Well, until he shows, I insist you join me. For your safety.”

“My safety?” She blinked at him.

“We wouldn’t want some lowlife off the street snatching you from that barstool, right?”

“Of course not.”

“Then let me take care of you.” About that, he wasn’t joking.

“All right.” As Heavenly eased to her feet, she plucked a tiny black clutch off the bar, lifted her wineglass, and flashed him a mysterious glance. “I’ve never had a bodyguard before.”

If I had my way, you’d need more than a bodyguard to keep me from stripping you bare and ravishing you in a million wicked ways.

Somehow, Beck managed to simply smile and palm the small of her back. He guided her across the marble floors, where they joined the waiting crowd. Palpable excitement churned the air.

Heavenly clung to his side with an eager smile. She wouldn’t appreciate everything she saw, but he’d watch her, cataloging even her subtlest reactions until he knew how—or if—he should proceed.

“I’ve never been to an art gallery,” she whispered with a nervous hitch.

“Then we’re both in for a special treat.”

“You’ve never been to one, either?”

He shook his head, chuckling softly. “I have, but I’m especially looking forward to tonight’s show. A private buyer loaned his rare collection of Joshua Lars’s sculptures for this exhibit.”

“I’ve never heard of Joshua Lars.”

“He’s amazing. Seeing his work in person will be a real treat. Shame he hasn’t unveiled any new works for years.”

“What does he sculpt?”

“People, mostly women. Tonight’s theme is, um…alternative lifestyle art.”