Page 57 of The Choice

After that, they stumbled up to Pirates of the Caribbean.

When the ride ended, she was still singing “Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me…” He escorted her to Blue Bayou, which overlooked the ride’s gently lapping waters. They were shown to a table that ringed the perimeter of the swampy darkness, complete with fireflies. It was…romantic.

“What are you hungry for?” He glanced up from the menu, brow raised.

He meant food—maybe—but her heart still skipped a few beats. “I-I don’t need—”

“To eat? Yes, you do. Let me rephrase my question. Is there anything on the menu you’re allergic to or don’t like?”

“I’m not fond of lamb.”

“We’ll avoid that then.”

Beck ordered surf and turf for them both. Heavenly tried not to choke or object. He wouldn’t appreciate it, but it was so expensive… She could feed herself and her father both for weeks on the cost of this one meal.

After delicious gumbo, the waitress delivered filet mignon and lobster with potatoes au gratin, along with a bottle of earthy red wine. Every tasty bite was exquisitely perfect.

“We talk during lunch at the hospital, but there are a lot of things I don’t know about you, Heavenly.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I’m boring.”

His stare chastised her. “I doubt that. Tell me everything…”

What could she tell him without bringing the mood down? “You know I’m from Wisconsin. I grew up loving Rugrats and—”

“What the hell is a rug rat?”

“It’s a cartoon. Well, it was. They don’t make it anymore.”

“I’m sorry?” He looked as if he wasn’t sure whether to apologize or laugh.

“It’s fine. As an adult, I’m no longer entertained by animated shows about kids in diapers.”

He almost choked on his wine. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Oh, come on. You must have liked a cartoon or two as a kid. Fess up.”

Beck hesitated. “I was far more interested in being outdoors. If there was a ball involved, even better.”

“That sounds so incredibly…male.”

“I’m glad you’ve noticed,” he quipped. “Okay, favorite ice cream.”

“What’s yours?” she countered. “I’m going to make fun of you first.”

That had him laughing. “Raine might have corrupted me lately with her love of caramel caribou.”

“I can’t fault you for that, though I prefer mint chip. When I was a kid, there was this place that used to make it with chunks of Andes Creme de Menthe and…oh. It was”—she snickered—“orgasm in a cone.”

“Really? And you’d know that how?”

She closed her eyes, mortification rolling through her. “Figure of speech.”

“So I have to be better than an ice cream cone?”

Did he mean if he ever gave her an orgasm? “What?”

Beck cleared his throat. “Favorite season?”

“Um…when I lived in Wisconsin, it was summer, for sure. But LA is like summer all year round, so… What about you?”


“You like crisp leaves and autumn breezes?”

He smirked. “And football. That’s way more important.”

“Of course. Definitely a man.”

“You need me to prove it?”

“You really have to stop teasing me…”

“Who says I’m teasing?” He gave her a disreputable grin.

She rolled her eyes at him. “Favorite band?”

“I’m an old-school grunge guy. Give me Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots…that kind of thing. But I listen to all kinds of music. Who do you like?”

“Maroon 5. Adam Levine—”

“Sings like a girl?”

She swatted his arm across the table. “Is incredibly talented and sexy.”

Beck scoffed. “You think?”

“He has some really amazing ink.”

Beck pulled the sleeve of his shirt over his elbow to reveal something tribal around his bulging bicep. “Like this?”

“You…” Heavenly stared, trying to string her words together. Never in a thousand years had she imagined the good doctor would have tattoos. “I’m surprised.”

“A lot of things about me might surprise you.” That grin of his nearly combusted her. Sly, brimming with knowledge, slightly dirty.

“Like what?”

“I’ve shocked you enough for one day.” He leaned closer, over his forgotten dessert. “But let’s just say my arms aren’t the only place I’m inked.”

She opened her mouth, but the waiter came by with a refill of his coffee.

Beck glanced at his watch. “It’s a little before nine. If we don’t leave this joint, we won’t catch the fireworks.”

After he paid the bill, she followed him through the darkness as they finally explored the castle. She squealed with delight when he bought her a pair of princess mouse ears, embroidered with her name. They made it just in time to slide into a VIP area to view the fireworks near the castle before the first song cued and the first bright bursts of color lit the sky. They stood close, and she was absolutely spellbound as the pyrotechnics show exceeded her wildest dreams.

With her stare riveted to every dazzling explosion across the sky, tears of happiness slid down her cheeks. Beck traced a finger across her face, capturing a stray tear and tasting it. She shivered, suddenly unable to look at anything but him. He said nothing. No words were necessary. Something magical was happening that terrified her yet lured her even closer.