She released a sigh then turned away from the soothing canal waters and the balmy evening breeze.

Moving back into the house, she decided it was time to make another push to bring Brannick back from wherever the hell he’d gone.

What she knew in her spirit was that Brannick belonged here, in Five Bridges. He was needed.

She’d long since pushed the bamboo and glass coffee table out of the way to give herself access to him. He lay supported on his side by a pillow in front and one behind him, his lower half covered with a soft blanket. She knelt close to him and shifted the front facing pillow out of the way. Fresh blood stained the white bandage wrapped around his chest.

Her heart sank. Bleeding indicated he wasn’t healing himself. All alter species could self-heal to some degree. The more powerful the man or woman, the better the healing. Brannick should have been well on his way to restored health by now.

She placed a hand on his hip and another on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and entered her dreamglide world. She loved the initial entry moment, because she felt free, something she rarely experienced in her night-to-night fae life. Her normal existence felt bound up as if by ropes. She lived with a certain amount of tension every day, especially from the time Roche had tried to hijack her in a dreamglide.

But for this moment, as she entered the half-world most often associated with sleep and dreams, she was at peace.

Within the dreamglide she rose up from the side of the couch and watched Brannick closely. His breathing became regular though he didn’t open his eyes. At least in the dreamglide his eyelids were fully closed. In real-time they were half-open, an indication of his proximity to death.

Brann? Would he be able to respond?

Juliet? Her name returned very faintly, though in real-time Brannick was still out cold.

Juliet’s heart rate soared. The intuitive fae part of her knew he wasn’t dead. But hearing his telepathic voice was a powerful confirmation that she had a chance right now to bring him back.

But how?


Brannick’s head hurt. That was his first thought as Juliet’s voice penetrated his mind.

He lay in a dense, dark gray air. He couldn’t see anything except wisps of smoky mist that clung to him, entwining around his arms and legs, pulling him toward the ground. A terrible fatigue had settled into every bone. He wanted to sleep, to fall into a slumber so deep he’d never wake up again.

Brann? Can you hear me? I need you to come back to me.

He wanted to respond, but couldn’t. He remembered that his wife had visited him. She kept encouraging him to do something, but he couldn’t remember what.

He forced himself to think, to figure out where he was and what had happened to him.

He’d been severely wounded, that much he knew. He could recall the blade point of a sword protruding from his abdomen, then disappearing. He’d felt nothing and passed out.

But, where was he now?

The dark mist tightened around him, pulling each limb hard. He had to get up. Had to fight this thing, but what was attacking him?

Some of the fog began to dispel, and he recognized Juliet’s living room, but not the real thing. He could see that the edges were blurry, a sure sign of a dreamglide and one he was very familiar with.

Then he understood. He’d somehow pulled himself into a dreamglide again, like he had when he’d first gotten sliced through. He saw it as a good sign, yet the pull on his body was a formidable force.

The dreamglide hovered off to the side of the room a few feet away from Juliet. Through the blurred portion, he could see that his body remained inert on the couch and that Juliet knelt beside him, her head bent. She had a hand on his hip and one on his shoulder. She looked like she was praying. Maybe she was.

Lifting his arm, he saw that he was not quite fully formed, another indication of his divided mind.

Yep, still at th

e edge of paradise.

Another entity moved into the room, a very male presence. It wasn’t formed at all, just a dark mass that had a familiar stench, like someone addicted to dark flame.

In real-time, Juliet removed her hands from his body and slowly stood up. She turned, her eyes wide with horror. At first, he thought she would shift in Brannick’s direction, that she was reacting to him.

Instead, she faced the intruder. Get out of here, Roche. You’re not wanted.