Roche. Shit.

Brannick knew he needed to be with Juliet, to stand beside her against the fae monster who wanted her in his sex shop. But he was so damn weak.

During his dreamglide time with Juliet, she’d told him that Roche had attempted more than once to pull her unwillingly into his dreamglide or at other times to invade hers. If he ever succeeded, he’d essentially be able to take over her mind and Juliet would belong to him. More than one gifted female fae had disappeared into his underground lair never to been seen again.

He watched as Roche, in his black, cloud-like form, began to envelop Juliet.

Panic struck hard. Though he might have his own reasons for sticking close to death, he wanted Juliet safe. And right now she was in danger and needed his help.

Within his dreamglide, he began to forge his inner strength, to pull himself out of his lethargy.

From deep within, he summoned his essential energy, both human and vampire. Somehow, he’d find a way to support her and keep Roche from taking over her mind.

As he dropped out of the dreamglide, he began the slow rise to consciousness.

~ ~ ~

Juliet stood protectively in front of Brannick, her heart hammering in her chest.

As Roche’s smoky dreamglide enveloped her, fear set in, and she found it hard to breathe. Would this be the one time Roche could break through her blocks and pull her into his world for good?

Roche’s telepathic voice pierced her mind. Come to me, Juliet. Even I can see Brannick doesn’t want to live. Let him go and come to me.

Despite her hatred of Roche, she felt a powerful call on her soul to be with him, to finally give in to his will.

At the same time she knew that the way Roche’s words flowed into each other meant he was heavily drugged right now. He’d probably doubled up on dark flame.

Not good.

The dark flame drug had the unique ability to enhance the fae dreamglider, and Roche had pulled out all the stops on this one. The problem was if he sustained his assault, her lesser ability and power would cause her to succumb.

But Agnes had drilled her on one point specifically; her out-of-control emotions, including her fear of Roche, would feed the invading spirit.

She needed to grow very calm if she had any hope of fighting him off.

She closed her eyes and took slow breaths. She focused, as Agnes had taught her, on her own spirit.

Again, Roche’s mind pressed in on hers, every word painfully seductive. Come to me, Juliet. I’ll give you pleasure as you’ve never known. I’ll show you ways to enhance your dreamgliding until it’s the only place you’ll ever want to be. I’ll even let you keep Brannick with you as your pet, if you like.

Every word he spoke, chipped away at her resolution. She found herself longing to be with him, to surrender to his will.

She reached toward Brannick. If you can hear me, Brann, I need your help.

She felt something from behind her, a small stream of energy that wasn’t Roche. It was faint, but it was there. As it moved toward her, she drew the power within her. The moment the electrical pulses made contact, she felt a vampire connection.

Her heart leaped.


She blocked Roche’s telepathy and reached out to Brannick. Are you alive?

Barely, but I’m here. Take hold of what I am as an alter vampire. Use it. Use me. I’m here.

She’d felt something similar on the bridge, when she’d created a cloak around herself. For whatever reason, she had a powerful connection to Brannick, even though he was deathly ill.

She invited the stream of energy to flow upward, to fill her chest, then flow into her mind. Once there, it cascaded over every other part of her, all the way to her hands and down her legs to her feet until she hummed with vampire power.

What the hell is this? Roche’s words floated through her head. I can’t see you anymore. I can’t feel you. Where did you go?