Eva’s husband sat across from them, holding their most recent offspring in his arms. The one-year-old had fallen asleep in his arms. Yvonne’s son-in-law was a handsome troll with brown hair combed straight back.

As the sun rose, Sandra remained safely in the house with Griffin, away from direct sunlight. Eva’s extended family began to arrive. Sandra greeted and received the thanks of Eva’s grown children and their spouses and what were Yvonne’s grandchildren and even a few great-grandchildren.

The house quickly grew crowded and before long a full-blown celebration was in progress. Neither Sandra nor Griffin could leave the shelter of the home, but the trolls had free rein of the outdoors and the barbecues soon lit up.

Food began to arrive as well, slabs of meat ready for the grill, all sorts of salads, and chips, a plethora of home-made berry pies, and an obligatory keg of beer.

The homecoming brought tears to Sandra’s eyes more than once. She didn’t have a family of her own, nor did Griffin, one of the reasons perhaps they’d been able to relate to each other so well. Each was essentially an orphan in the Realm world. But when Eva’s husband moved to sit beside his wife, their daughter still asleep on his shoulder, other memories intruded.

She put a hand to her mouth and turned into Griffin.

What is it?

I had a family once.

He rubbed her back, but for a long time didn’t say anything. Finally, he moved through her mind gently, I’ll be your family now, Sandra. And maybe, if the Goddess wills, we’ll have babies of our own and can create a dynasty as Yvonne has.

She drew back a little and looked up at him. Those might be the best and sweetest words you could have ever said to me.

He leaned down and kissed her. Sandra was pretty sure he’d meant only to offer comfort. But the moment his lips touched hers, a profound longing rolled through her to be alone with him.

He drew back, a frown between his light blue eyes. I need to be with you.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Maybe I was feeling your desire as much as my own. She glanced around. Do you think we’d be missed if we retired to our room? Although, it looks like most of the party has moved outside.

I’m sure it’ll be fine. Besides, this has been a long night and I think both of us could use some sleep. His lips curved. And I know I could use a shower.

When he released her, Sandra was going to search for either Eva or Yvonne when the latter moved back into the house from the kitchen door.

Sandra drew close. “We’re feeling the need to retire.”

Yvonne nodded and ordered the rest of the friends and family in the house to join everyone else outside. Once they’d disappeared into the backyard, Yvonne extended her hands to them. Sandra took one, Griffin the other.

“I have no words, except thank you.” Her eyes grew watery once more as she drew first Sandra’s fingers to her lips and kissed them, then Griffin’s.

With pinched lips, she nodded to each, and once more said, “Thank you.”

She then released their hands with a definitive jerk as though working hard to control her emotions. “Earlier, I told Eva you’d both need your sleep soon. In her basement, is a room she keeps on hand for any of the Camberlaune Guardsmen who might get caught out here too close to dawn. She had two of her daughters make up the room for you. You’ll both be safe through the day, and there’s a proper bed for your Guardsman stature.” She waved a hand up and down Griffin’s six-five frame.

Sandra smiled. “Thank you so much, Yvonne. And thank your daughter for us.”

“Yes,” Griffin added. “Add my thanks as well.”

“Of course. And now I have something for you to take to yo

ur room.” She drew a tray from the back counter. “In the middle of all the bustle, I prepared you a meal.” She handed the tray to Sandra. “There’s a mini-fridge downstairs as well, so help yourself to anything that’s inside.”

It felt so familiar to take the tray from the fortress housekeeper. How many times had Yvonne handed them to her over the years? Thousands.

Yvonne met and held her gaze, then nodded slowly, her lips curving into a soft smile. “I guess this is our last tray.”

Tears brimmed in Sandra’s eyes. “I guess it is.”

Yvonne once more wiped her eyes. “Sleep well and we’ll see you at full dark if not before. The Troll Brigade will be patrolling through the day here at Eva’s farm, so you’ve nothing to worry about. And now, I’m rejoining my family.” She waved once then slipped through the door to rejoin her family.

The stairs leading to the basement were near the front door. Sandra led the way, tray in hand. Griffin offered to carry it for her, but for some reason, maybe because it was the last one Yvonne would ever give her to carry, she wanted to complete the task.

But Griffin preceded her down the stairs, moving slowly. He didn’t want her to fall and told her to mind her gown. It was so sweet, but unnecessary. She’d carried trays to all parts of the fortress through the years and if she slipped she’d glide into levitation.