At the bottom of the steps, the landing space was surprisingly roomy and tall enough for Griffin’s Guardsman height. Clearly the home had been built to accommodate all species.

A table and two large chairs had been laid with a linen cloth and a small vase of roses set in the middle. The large, Guard-sized bed sat against the far wall with a bathroom off to the left. It was an excellent sleeping room for species caught out in the open at dawn.

Griffin stood very still, staring at the table. “This is incredibly thoughtful.”

Sandra agreed. “It is.”

Yet somehow she wasn’t surprised. Eva was, after all, her mother’s daughter.

Sandra asked Griffin to sit down and in the same way she’d served the Ruby Fae, she set everything out in the usual order. In an odd way, she felt as though she was saying good-bye to her time in the fortress.

She then brought two bottles of dark ale from the mini-fridge and placed them in front of Griffin. “I need your strength to get these twist caps off, which I hate with a passion.”

He chuckled and with barely any effort at all, he opened the beers.

She sat down and took the bottle he offered to her. He didn’t drink right away, but held his up. “To the woman I never believed possible.”

She smiled. “And to the man who controlled my dreams for months.”

His eyes crinkled as he laughed and the furrow between his brows softened. For a moment, she could see all the way into the future, to a man who eventually learned how to breathe a little. She knew she would ease him in that way as he would gentle down her grief.

He clinked bottles with her, then she took a swig, joining him.

After enjoying a meal of cold cuts and a spicy potato salad, with a few red pepper strips on the side, Sandra took her shower first. She made liberal use of the lavender-scented soap, grateful to have a strong floral fragrance to replace the old fortress smell.

When she was done, she wrapped a towel around her body, but found neatly folded stack of clothes sitting on the counter.

She opened the door slightly and saw Griffin sitting at the table, a book in his hand. “You’re reading?”

He nodded and held up the cover for her to see. It appeared to be a book on the oceans of the Nine Realms. “Something I haven’t done in a long time.” He was frowning. He’d lost a year of his life and probably wondered what else he’d missed.

“Question. What are these clothes?”

He glanced into the bathroom. She was partially hidden behind the door. “Oh. Right. Eva brought them down. She’d sent a request out to her family and neighbors on your behalf. She guessed at your size. She said not to worry if nothing fits. She’d have more for you to try on this evening.”

“I’ll be out in a sec.”

“Take your time.”

She closed the door, needing a moment. She was completely overwhelmed. The styles had changed a lot in thirty years, but the garments were basic; bra, underwear, shirts and jeans. And at the bottom of the pile was a beautiful, dark green floor-length negligee.

For some reason the sight of it made her burst into tears. This was essentially her first night as Griffin’s bonded blood rose and the thought she could be normal and have something pretty to wear for him, turned her inside out.

After a moment, she pulled herself together and splashed water on her face. She brushed out her long, damp, red hair and brushed her teeth; everything had been provided for them. She was grateful beyond words.

She slid into the negligee and though it was snug across her breasts, the rest fit her like a glove. Besides, she was pretty sure Griffin wouldn’t mind the splendid show of cleavage.

When she was better composed, she opened the door. Griffin glanced at her, his gaze sliding head to toe, and immediately stood up. He set his book down on the table, and moved toward her. “You look beautiful. Was this in the clothes I set on the sink?”

She nodded. “Yes, but it’s a little tight.”

He growled softly, holding her arms in a gentle clasp as his gaze fell to her breasts. “It’s perfect.”

He released her almost immediately. “But you’re clean and I’m not.”

He kissed her once on the lips, then headed into the bathroom, closing the door.

Sandra felt oddly nervous, like a bride on her honeymoon. She moved around the bedroom. She placed the tray outside the door with the dishes arranged neatly on top. She drew the beautiful handmade quilt back, folding it in several neat rows, then let it fall onto the bench at the end of the bed. She plumped the two large pillows. She even brought the flowers over to the nightstand, then took them back to the table, then returned them to the nightstand.