She planted her hands on his arms. His biceps flexed beneath her touch. “As though all the passion you feel for Walvashorr and for the Nine Realms is moving like a whirlwind around us, through us, between us.”

He smiled and leaned close. He touched his lips to hers, a gentle kiss that felt full of all that he was. She returned the kiss, sending her gratitude for his willingness to leave his solitary world and pull her so completely out of her own isolation.

When he drew back, he held her gaze once more. “Tell me where Margetta is, what you see, through your faeness?”

She closed her eyes, focusing the whirlwind on her mother. I see her in flight, her entire Invictus army with her, two hundred pairs and that two of the pairs are the extremely powerful mastyr vampire wraith-pairs, the kind that almost killed Mastyr Quinlan.

Understood. Can you see where they’re headed?

She began to describe the array to him, that there were four columns, how fast they were moving, and how each split off in a different direction, toward one of the four gorges.

Where is Margetta?

Hovering directly north of us though several miles away. She’s orchestrating.

Just as we will. Keep feeding me information and I’ll translate what you see to the alphas.

Seth, it’s the strangest thing, but it’s as though I’ve moved high into the air and I’m looking down at the Shauck Mountains. I can see her armies advance. She squeezed his arms. I’m going to show this to you, or at least try to. Ready? This will come through the battle frequency.

* * * * * * * * *

Seth received the images like something he could watch on his flat screen. He opened his telepathy to Ephyx, but on instinct, expanded it. Ephyx, are you seeing this in your mind?

Holy, shit, mastyr, I’m watching Margetta’s army advance down the gorge.

Can you translate this for your troops? Can you communicate with your lieutenants?


Good. This is all new to Lorelei and me, something we’re doing together. I’ll keep sending you these images, but I need to contact the others. If I can, I’ll stream this to each of you at the same time.

The moment Seth focused on all four alphas at once, what came to him from Lorelei was that she had already separated out each frequency just as she had when she’d connected with the packs earlier. But this time, he felt the different vibrations as very separate streams of energy. Holding all four in his mind, he contacted Cohoet, Valgus, and Alophi like a conference call. Because of his bond with Lorelei, it turned out to be a very simple thing to do.

He explained what he would do and the moment he let the images stream to Cohoet, Valgus and Alophi, all four alphas gave a shout of triumph at what they were seeing.

As long as Lorelei and I can stream the images, you’ll know exactly where the enemy is and how to direct your troops.

The battle unfolded like a dream, Margetta’s army flowing through each gorge, the alphas directing their men, camouflaged and hidden behind rocks or trees, letting arrows fly.

As soon as either member of a wraith-pair got hit, the other faltered and both fell out of the sky. Shifters sent battle-energy to disable the pairs one after the other.

The Shifter Brigade especially enjoyed feigning a wound to draw the enemy into a trap. Or they’d run south with wraiths shrieking overhead, and a net would catch their prey.

They were also quick to help their wounded to safety in nearby caves, where troll and shifter families waited to help the injured.

Surrounded as he and Lorelei were by her layered enthrallment shields, he had no fear of Margetta, not even when she saw her army dropping like flies before a Shifter Brigade that appeared and disappeared like ghosts behind their camouflage.

From miles away, he heard Margetta shriek her rage and finally call her army back to her. He heard the cheering from all four alphas and as he stretched his hearing, the sound from the four gorges became a joyous ringing in his ears.

Lorelei, keep tracking Margetta’s army. We need to see where they go.

Will do.

He watched Margetta’s retreat. She took what was about fifty remaining wraith-pairs into the far north, then veered west. She returned to the camp and through Lorelei’s continued vision, he watched as within minutes, tent after tent was struck. Margetta had a huge supply line, which every good general maintained, and a support staff of realm slaves. With her army in flight, he was hoping he would find the ancient fae’s lair.

Instead, as she reached the northernmost boundary of Walvashorr, Margetta and her army simply disappeared, as though walking into a fog.

I can’t see them anymore, Lorelei pathed. We’ve lost them.