And there’s no access point in that part of my realm.

Lorelei shook her head. I don’t understand. Where do you think they went?

My guess is that Margetta has a stronghold hidden behind a dozen different spells. She’s retreated for now, but probably intends to rebuild and attack another realm at its most vulnerable point.

We won’t be able to find her. Lorelei’s voice sounded somber within his mind.

Seth sighed, knowing that the war would continue. I’ll let the other mastyrs know what happened here and what you and I saw. Beyond that, we’ll have to wait to see what she does next.

The victory celebration quieted down with the disappearance of Margetta and her troops from the realm. For one thing, each pack had to get on with the business of clearing up the different battle fields, making sure that the injured shifters were taken care of, and determining how many members of each pack had died in the attack.

In the end, there were only sixteen casualties to the three hundred Invictus that had died during the brief, coordinated battle, an extraordinary occurrence. But the Shifter Brigade had become a disciplined fighting unit and had been extremely well-prepared. Seth also knew that the images he and Lorelei had streamed, had given each pack the information needed to deliver a crushing blow to the entire enemy force.

The deceased shifters were prepared for their return to family members and each would receive the highest honors for their realm service. But the uninjured and surviving Shifter Brigade warriors began heading for Big Timber.

The first to arrive built up the four enormous bonfire pits, and case after case of dark ale made its way out of the cellars of the main lodge.

In addition, hundreds of realm-folk soon streamed into the area, and a major celebration was underway.

* * * * * * * * *

Lorelei held Seth’s hand and had never known such joy.

From the time Margetta had taken the remnants of her army out of Walvashorr, Seth hadn’t let go of her once, not even when the alphas arrived ready to do high-fives and congratulatory chest bumps.

At first, she thought he was still afraid that the moment Jude showed up, she’d be all over his fellow mastyr.

But when Jude finally arrived, Lorelei felt nothing for him, no impulse to go to him or to feed him.

Jude’s brows rose as he settled his gaze on her, then shifted his attention to Seth. He nodded knowingly several times, a smile on his lips. “You’ve bonded, I see.”

Seth’s chest puffed a little, something that made Lorelei smile as he said, “We have.”

Jude clapped him on the shoulder. “I’m happy fo

r you.”

“Thanks. The way this is going, you’ll have your turn as well, just be prepared and try to be open.”

“Easy for you to say.”

“It’s easy now, but you’re right.” He glanced at Lorelei and squeezed her hand. “Getting to this place wasn’t simple, mostly because I didn’t believe myself worthy.”

Jude snorted. “You, of all the mastyrs I know, deserve to have a woman like Lorelei.”

Seth cleared his throat a couple of times. “I think there might be a few bottles of ale with your name on them.”

“I’m hearing the call even now.” Jude waggled his brows. He then wished them both a realm-full of happiness, afterward heading toward the long table now laden with cases of brew.

Even after Jude left, Seth kept a tight clasp on her hand.

As she walked beside him and up the steps of the main lodge, her heart swelled. The alphas were inside and had called for them both.

The doors swung wide, and as they crossed the threshold, a thunderous cheer rang to the three-story high rafters. The space was packed full of triumphant warriors, as many within as there were outside in the snow. Each held a bottle of ale in hand.

Lorelei realized that part of her joy had to do with the men and women before her, all shifters of Walvashorr, the place she now belonged.

When the roar quieted, Seth raised his bottle of ale with his left hand. “To the finest Shifter Brigade in the Nine Realms.”